Page 26 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
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dia universitatis her editati, letnik 9 (2021), številk a 2 / volume 9 (2021), number 2 26Bridge construction in the Roman age inThe Roman road needs immediate and effective protec-
modern Bosnia and Herzegovina is mostly un- tion and support from competent institutions because
hereditatistudied. Based on past research, Romans con- it represents a precious and representative monument.
sciously avoided building bridges from sturdier As such, it has considerable tourist potential.
materials. They mostly used natural passes (spots
on the river where the water level is low because Povzetek
of disunity of the river bed). They also used fer-
ries and ships (Čelić, Mujezinović 1998, 182-183; Raziskave na planini Konjuh so prinesle nova znanstve-
Bojanovski 1984, 182-183). Following the routes na dognanja. Gre za odkritja rimske ceste na najdiščih
of Roman roads in the area of Kladanj, we con- Metaljka (vrh) in Dobra voda ter otomanske karavanske
clude that Romans exclusively used river passes poti na najdiščih Miljkovac, Paljevac in Buševo. Vsi kra-
to pass the rivers. One of such was over the Osica ji so del občine Kladanj. Od omenjenih nahajališč je bil
River, which today is unfortunately almost dried znan le Miljkovac, ki je del zavarovanega področja pla-
out. nine Konjuh v občini Kladanj. Po ustnem izročilu se na
območju tega kraja nahajajo “rimski tlakovci”. Vendar je
We cannot eliminate the possibility of ta raziskava ugotovila, da gre za cesto, ki je bila zgrajena
a wooden bridge somewhere in the Kladanj v osmanski dobi. Rimska cesta je bila uporabljana v sre-
area because Romans often used wood for the dnjem veku in kasneje v času osmanske vladavine. Od
bridge-building. Not only for bridges, but they konca 19. stoletja (v času Avsto-Ogrske) do danes so v
also used wood for other objects lost over time. okolici Kladnja zgrajene in še se gradijo nove ceste, ki se
Also, wood boulders could be used as a sturdy na posameznih predelih raztezajo s trasami rimskih cest
and stable base to cross muddy and swampy ter- ali osmanskih karavanskih poteh, kar je bilo s to raziska-
rains (Bojanovski 1984, 204). vo prav tako ugotovljeno.
Rimska cesta, ki je povezovala več današnjih naselij v
Summary občini Kladanj, postavlja pomembno vprašanje: Kaj so
Rimljani lahko uporabljali na območju Kladnja? So to
Research on Konjuh resulted in new scientific discov- neki gospodarski viri ali vojaški tabor ali oboje? Do nove
eries. These discoveries are 1. Roman roads on Metaljka raziskave ostaja to vprašanje odprto.
(Vrh) and Dobra voda localities and 2. Ottoman caravan Rimska cesta potrebuje nujno in učinkovito zaščito
roads on Miljkovac, Paljevac and Buševo localities. All pristojnih inštitucij, saj je izjemno dragocen in repre-
these localities are in Kladanj municipality. Only Miljk- zentativen spomenik in ima kot takšen velik turistični
ovac was known from these localities, part of “Zaštićeni potencijal.
Pejsaž Konjuh”, Kladanj municipality. According to
oral accounts, there is a “roman cobbled road” in the References
area of this locality. However, these researches proved Tabula Peutingeriana (https://www.euratlas.
a road constructed in the Ottoman era. The Roman
road was used in the middle ages and later during the net/cartogra/peutinger/5_campania/
Ottoman reign. From the end of the 19th century (dur- index.html)
ing the Austro- Hungarian administration) until today, Arheološki leksikon Bosne i Hercegovine, Tom
new roads have been built in the area of Kladanj. Some 1-3, 1988. (AL BiH)
of them go over the routes of Roman roads or Ottoman Ballif, P. 1893. Romische Strassen in Bosnien und
caravan roads, which this research also proved. The Ro- der Hercegovina, Wien.
man road, which connected some modern settlements Basler, Đ., Mulaomerović J. 1984. „Pećinski
in Kladanj, opens an important question - what could crteži u Brateljevićima kod Kladnja.“
Romans use in the area of Kladanj? Was it some eco- Članci i građa za kulturnu istoriju istočne
nomic resource or military camp, or both? Until new Bosne 15: 5-9, T. I-IV.
research, these questions remain open.
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