Page 24 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 24
dia universitatis hereditati, letnik 9 (2021), številka 2 / volume 9 (2021), number 2 24m to 4.0 m, mostly towards smaller size” (Bal-nected to the primary highway, which led up-
lif 1893, 9). The average width of the road on stream towards mining district Argentaria and
hereditatiKonjuh is around 2.50 m. However, the road is downstream towards Sirmium, the capital of
much broader in some sections, which leads us Pannonia province. Imamović also mentions an-
to conclude that the road was adapted to terrain other possible direction of the road. He assumes
circumstances. that there was a road going from Tuzla towards
the northeast, in the direction of Priboj near
In Austro-Hungarian times, a new road Lopare. It continued towards Janja (Imamović
was constructed on Stara Karaula - Kladanj, 1985, 45). However, the assumptions of Bojano-
6.920 m long. With some minor deviations, this vski and Imamović that one road leg went to-
road went over the Roman road route. These de- wards Tuzla are still open and could be proved
viations could only occur because of the high- by new field research.
er slope angle. For the construction of this road,
the new builder probably used the final layer of Based on the past scientific knowledge
the Roman road. This road still exists and is in about Roman road construction in modern Bos-
use. nia and Herzegovina, the newly discovered Ro-
man road on Konjuh belongs to the 1st century
Near the Dobra voda locality, Austro-Hun- AD. It had primarily military and secondary eco-
garian road leaves Roman road and turns right, nomical importance for Roman Empire and to-
and it returns near the Vojnik locality and goes day’s Bosnian and Herzegovinian areas (Patsch
down the modern Drum street into Kladanj. 1906, 158; Bojanovski 1974, 35; Pašalić 1960, 50,
Drum toponym tells us that the Ottomans also 69-70, 74-75, 103-108; Imamović 1985, 31-52). In
used this road communication. Today, in this that regard: /.../ road altered the nature of space
part of town, there is a new road. Drum topo- by connecting places that were divided by rang-
nym, is also found near Runovići (Imotsko Pol- es of mountains /.../. In this sense, the road was
je). Besides, such toponyms can be found in a mechanism of Roman power that physical-
many other modern Bosnia and Herzegovina ly reshaped the landscape after Roman control
areas. (Bojanovski 1977, 96; 1981, 156, 183; 1984, had initially been asserted through military in-
192, 244). tervention. The road was a power that produced
power that produced a distinctly Roman space
Studying these problems, researcher E. across Europe and the Mediterranean (Laurence
Imamović assumes “that Tuzla was connect- 1999, 197, 199).
ed with ore mountains in middle Bosnia by the
road for which Pašalić assumed to be a possi- Conclusions
ble variant of highway segment of Salona-Ar- In Kladanj, Roman road branches into two di-
gnetaria highway, on the relation Visoko-Breza, rections. One of them, probably, went through
Olovo-Kladanj-Drinjača, where one road leg the Drinjača valley to Šekovići and further to-
branched off towards the north, which went wards Drina, and from there downstream to
over Đurđevik12 through Spreča valley, that is to the north, towards Sava and further towards the
Tuzla (Imamović 2019).13 He also assumes that Roman province of Pannonia and upstream to-
Tuzla, as a salt ore mining area, was connected wards Argentaria (broader area of modern Sre-
to mining region in east Bosnia. The road went brenica). Second branch went from Kladanj,
through Spreča valley towards Zvornik. It con- over Plahovići and Plandište locality (near the
bridge), over the weekend settlement Drinjača.
12 Š. Bešlagić made an assumption in 1971 that there was Then over the Osica river and then it gets out to
a Roman fort in Đurđevik near Živinice (AL BiH 1988, Mramorak locality where one branch led over
Tome 2, 106). the Ponijerak to Brateljevići, and other branch

13 In October 2019, in Gornja Tuzla, Roman aqueduct 11.15
m long was discovered. It is constructed from brick, and it
does not contain ceramic or lead pipes inside which makes
it very specific and rare (Imamović 2019).
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