Page 27 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 27
ia universitatis Universal Design and Cultural Heritage
27 Univerzalno oblikovanje in kulturna dediščina

Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy, North Macedonia
Nikola Minov

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy, North Macedonia

New technologies are vehicles for dissemination of cultural values. They also enlarge the number of
persons that have access to heritage. This paper presents a web-based platform, developed within the
Erasmus+ AD HOC (Accessible and Digitized Cultural Heritage for Persons with Disabilities) project
that enables perceptual accessibility of such content for persons with disabilities. The main principle fol-
lowed during the entire project duration was the principle of Universal Design – including accessibility
for persons with disabilities from the very beginning and thus creating a generic model of an accessible
platform for some important aspects of the cultural heritage of Macedonia, Slovenia, Greece and Italy.
Key words: cultural heritage, accessibility, platform, persons with disabilities

Nove tehnologije so sredstva za širjenje kulturnih vrednot. Prav tako povečujejo število ljudi, ki imajo
dostop do dediščine. Prispevek predstavlja spletno platformo, razvito v okviru projekta Erasmus+ AD
HOC (Accessible and Digitalized Cultural Heritage), ki osebam s posebnimi potrebami omogoča za-
znavno dostopnost tovrstnih vsebin. Glavno načelo, ki smo ga upoštevali ves čas trajanja projekta, je bilo
načelo univerzalnega oblikovanja – vključno z dostopnostjo za osebe s posebnimi potrebami že od sa-
mega začetka in s tem ustvarjanje generičnega modela dostopne platforme za nekatere pomembne vi-
dike kulturne dediščine Makedonije, Slovenije, Grčije in Italije.
Ključne besede: kulturna dediščina, dostopnost, platforma, osebe s posebnimi potrebami

Introduction to the greatest extent possible (Ginnerup 2009).
This precludes the need to make additional ad-
Before we discuss Universal Design in aptations, accommodations or other specialized
Learning (UDL) in museums and archae- designs.
ological areas and connect this design to
interoperable digital platforms we need to an- The principles of UD need to be imple-
swer the question, what do we mean by “Uni- mented from the early generic stages of plan-
versal Design/Design for all”? Universal Design ning. Although UD was initially envisioned to
is the designing of different products, informa- tackle issues in accessibility of buildings (archi-
tion technology and/or environments with the tecture), it now converges to cover different soci-
goal to make them easy and convenient to use by etal issues and it is becoming an integral part of
all people-particularly persons with disabilities, policy planning. When it comes to persons with
disabilities, UD is used to make accessible solu-

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