Page 31 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 31
ia universitatisroutes through the museum galleries, or game which is different for different languages); Persons with
universal design and cultur al her itage 31 that invites users to create their own collages impaired hearing (by adding videos on sign language
from collection highlights; Personalized experi- for each narrative or story). A simplified web-page was
ences and many more. The combined application created for persons with intellectual disability. This plat-
of the principles of Universal Design and the use form was completely designed following the Web Con-
of an interoperable digital platform leads to the tent Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, which pro-
improvement of accessibility. motes accessible web content. The UNESCO basic and
advanced guidelines for the preparation for an accessi-
This paper and its contents are part of the ble Digital Documentary Heritage (UNESCO 2020)
Intellectual Outputs of the AD HOC Erasmus+ were also followed. Accessibility was considered at every
project (Erasmus+ project number: 2019-1-MK01- step of the document digitization, sufficient funds for
KA203-060269: disability were allocated, persons with disabilities and
experts in disability were included in every step of the
Summary process, the content was described using simple, under-
standable language. The entire platform was created
Universal design is an approach to design that incorpo- having accessibility in minds and accessibility awareness
rates products as well as building features that, to the training was organized for different stakeholders.
greatest extent possible, can be used by everyone. Uni-
versal design in learning (UDL) incorporates multiple Povzetek
means of representation (to allow various ways of acquir-
ing information and knowledge), multiple means of ex- Univerzalno oblikovanje je pristop k oblikovanju, ki
pression (to allow alternatives for demonstrating knowl- vključuje izdelke in gradbene lastnosti, ki jih lahko v naj-
edge), and multiple means of engagement (to challenge večji možni meri uporablja vsakdo. Univerzalno obliko-
appropriately, to motivate, and to allow learners to ex- vanje v učenju (UDL) vključuje več načinov predstavlja-
press and participate in their interests). UDL is a good nja (za omogočanje različnih načinov pridobivanja
fit for museums because it suggests a focus on broad- informacij in znanja), več načinov izražanja (za omogo-
ening the ways we present exhibit components and the čanje alternativ za dokazovanje znanja) in več načinov
kinds of interaction they elicit from visitors. The com- angažiranja (za ustrezen izziv, za motiviranje ter omogo-
bined application of the principles of Universal Design čiti učencem, da izrazijo in sodelujejo pri svojih intere-
and the use of an interoperable digital platform leads to sih). UDL je primeren za muzeje, ker predlaga osredo-
the improvement of accessibility. točenost na razširitev načinov predstavitve razstavnih
A group of international researchers from four Europe- komponent in vrst interakcij, ki jih izzovejo pri obisko-
an countries worked jointly on the Erasmus+ AD HOC valcih. Kombinirana uporaba načel univerzalnega obli-
project (Accessible and digitized cultural heritage). The kovanja in uporaba interoperabilne digitalne platforme
aim of the project was to create a strategic partnership vodi k izboljšanju dostopnosti.
in the field of higher education with the purpose to cre- Skupina mednarodnih raziskovalcev iz štirih evrop-
ate and share innovative practices in the digitization skih držav je skupaj delala na projektu Erasmus+ AD
of the cultural heritage and its accessibility for persons HOC (Dostopna in digitalizirana kulturna dediščina).
with disabilities. The platform developed within this Namen projekta je bil ustvariti strateško partnerstvo
project is a web-based platform that allows quick access na področju visokega šolstva z namenom ustvarjanja in
to information related to archaeological sites and cul- deljenja inovativnih praks pri digitalizaciji kulturne de-
tural heritage in Macedonia, Slovenia, Greece and Ita- diščine in njeni dostopnosti za osebe s posebnimi po-
ly. It increases the level of knowledge in terms of flexi- trebami. Platforma, razvita v okviru tega projekta, je
bility, perception and simplicity for the visitors that are spletna platforma, ki omogoča hiter dostop do infor-
deaf, blind or intellectually disabled. This software is macij v zvezi z arheološkimi najdišči in kulturno dedi-
an open source system for building and presenting in- ščino v Makedoniji, Sloveniji, Grčiji in Italiji. Za obisko-
formation collections. Two plug-ins were added for: valce, ki so gluhi, slepi ali intelektualno ovirani, poveča
Persons with impaired vision (by using text-to-speech
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