Page 57 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 57
ia universitatis Virtual accessibility of the Macedonian tomb in Ohrid
57 Virtualna dostopnost grobnice makedonskega tipa v Ohridu

Ivan Malezanov
National Institution for Protection of Monuments of Culture and Museum Ohrid, North Macedonia
Martina Blečić Kavur
University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Slovenia

The paper presents activities that were carried out in the framework of the project “Virtual reconstruc-
tion and making a model of a Macedonian tomb in Ohrid” with the main aim of promoting and pre-
senting archaeological cultural heritage inaccessible to the broader public. Creating the virtual recon-
struction and digital 3D model gave the Macedonian tomb in Ohrid “visual access”. Thus, despite being
completely isolated, the tomb is now accessible to everyone for inclusive learning and acquiring new
knowledge or simply as a tourist attraction of exceptional regional cultural and historical significance.
Key words: Ohrid, Macedonian tomb, virtual reconstruction, 3D Model

V prispevku so predstavljene aktivnosti, ki so bile izvedene v okviru projekta »Virtualna rekonstrukci-
ja in izdelava makete grobnice makedonskega tipa v Ohridu« z glavnim ciljem promocije in predstavi-
tve širši javnosti nedostopne arheološke kulturne dediščine. Ustvarjanje konceptualne virtualne rekon-
strukcije in digitalnega 3D modela je makedonski grobnici v Ohridu omogočilo »vizualni dostop«.
Tako je grobnica kljub popolni izoliranosti postala dostopna vsakomur za inkluzivno učenje in prido-
bivanje novih znanj ter preprosto tudi kot lokalna turistična zanimivost posebnega kulturno-zgodo-
vinskega pomena.
Ključne besede: Ohrid, grobnica makedonskega tipa, virtualna rekonstrukcija, 3D model

Introduction ly, many archaeological sites reflect the status of
the place and the importance of the people who
Ohrid is a region of outstanding cultural lived there during the Macedonian rule and the
and historical value, dating back to pre- flourishing of Hellenistic art. The monumental
historic times. Classical antiquity was a tomb of the Macedonian type in Ohrid is an ex-
period when the area was of great importance. cellent example of this hypothesis.
Perhaps the main reason for this is the fact that
the historic Candavian road and the later Ro- The tomb was found on the hill Varosh
man Via Egnatia passed through the territory, above the Ohrid Lake, at the site “Karagjulev-
connecting the western Adriatic with the eastern ci” (fig. 1), directly above the ancient theatre. For
Aegean and the southern Balkans (Битракова many years, this tomb was forgotten and inacces-
Грозданова 1988, 37–52; Митревски 2013, sible to the public, probably due to the impossi-
234; Bitrakova Grozdanova 2021). Consequent- bility of its physical presentation since the struc-
ture is located on private property (Битракова
h t t p s : //d o i . o r g /10 . 2 6 49 3 /2 35 0 - 5 4 4 3 . 10 (2) 5 7- 6 6 Грозданова and Кузман 1999; 2017; Kuzman

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