Page 54 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 54
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 54ty of applying the creative ways of their interpre-awarded the COME-IN label. The long-lasting work-
tation. By using only six archaeological objects ing and learning process has inspired the museum cu-
hereditatias the basis for the interpretation of six histori- rators to create a temporary exhibition with included
cal periods of the city of Zagreb and implemen- adaptations for several groups of visitors with special
tation of adaptations for the physically, visually needs that communicates the story of the oldest histo-
impaired, and deaf visitors, the exhibition Za- ry of Zagreb through six objects equally with all visitors
greb in spe shows an excellent example of the in- and enables the regular visitors to learn about the inclu-
ventive way of communicating heritage inclu- sion. The exhibition presents an excellent example of an
sively. We believe the exhibition is an example inclusive exhibition. Its simple form enables easy trans-
of good practice in adapting an occasional ex- port and greater dissemination of the city’s history and
hibition for people with disabilities. Its value is inclusive approach in the museum.
formed in the museological concept in service of
the archaeological story. Affirming the archae- Povzetek
ological heritage is, in this example, also sensi-
tising the regular public to the needs of people Nova definicija muzeja kaže na njegovo vlogo in vpliv
with disabilities. This exhibition can now serve v sodobni družbi kot vključujoče in dostopne institu-
as an excellent example for other curators and cije. Pot do takšnega muzeja predstavlja več izzivov, od
museums. Inclusive exhibitions will become the vsesplošnega odprtega dostopa do muzeja na ravni tran-
standard in some ideal times in the future. sporta; prilagoditev muzejske arhitekture, ki je zaradi
statusa kulturnih spomenikov lahko zahtevna; prepo-
Summary znavanja skupin obiskovalcev s posebnimi potrebami
v družbi; komunikacija s temi skupinami za spoznava-
The new definition of the museum depicts its role and nje njihovih potreb; motivacija obiskovalcev s posebni-
impact in contemporary society as inclusive and acces- mi potrebami za obisk muzejev; oblikovanje strategij z
sible institutions. The path to becoming such a muse- usklajenim pristopom k ciljem muzeja in ciljem vključe-
um presents several challenges, ranging from the overall vanja in dostopnosti ter izobraževanje rednih obiskoval-
open access to the museum on the level of transporta- cev, tudi otrok, o inkluziji.
tion, adaptations of the museum architecture that can Zagrebški mestni muzej ima dolgo zgodovino dela z
be challenging by their status as cultural monuments, obiskovalci s posebnimi potrebami. V 25 letih se je od-
recognising the groups of visitors with special needs in ločil za pristop uvajanja prilagoditev v stalno razstavo,
the society, communication with these groups to learn predvsem za slepe in slabovidne. Sčasoma so se razvile
about their needs and make the adaptations, motiva- dodatne prilagoditve, orodja in programi, ki so vpliva-
tion of visitors with special needs to visit the museums, li na učni proces rednih obiskovalcev in dvignili njihovo
building strategies with a coordinated approach to the zavest o obiskovalcih invalidih in njihovih potrebah. Ta
museum’s main goals and the goals of inclusion and ac- pristop je zaposlenim v muzeju omogočil učenje o prila-
cessibility and education of regular visitors, including goditvah in njihovo izboljšanje in je muzej prejel ozna-
children, about the inclusion. ko COME-IN.
Zagreb City Museum has a long history of working Dolgotrajen proces dela in učenja je navdihnil muzejske
with visitors with disabilities. In 25 years, it has chosen kustose, da so ustvarili začasno razstavo z vključenimi
the approach of the introduction of adaptations, mainly prilagoditvami za več skupin obiskovalcev s posebnimi
for the blind and sight-impaired people, into the perma- potrebami, ki zgodbo o najstarejši zgodovini Zagreba
nent exhibition. In time, additional adaptations, tools preko šestih predmetov enakovredno posreduje vsem
and programmes have been developed and have influ- obiskovalcem, obenem pa rednim obiskovalcem omo-
enced the learning process of the regular visitors and goča, da se seznanijo z inkluzijo. Razstava predstavlja
raised their awareness about visitors with disabilities and odličen primer inkluzivne razstave. Njegova preprosta
their needs. This approach has enabled museum em- oblika omogoča enostaven transport in večjo disemina-
ployees to learn and improve adaptations and has been
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