Page 52 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 52
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 52

Figure 9: Exhibition Zagreb in spe / Small Items – Great Stories – a detail of display cases with original object, replica
and abbreviated texts in braille (photo: Miljenko Gregl, Zagreb City Museum).

introduced to these objects from the five sites in sitioned on the right side. Textual descriptions
which they were found, so in many ways they are about sites and objects are placed right next to
like small portraits of the City itself. A tactile the showcases. They are bilingual (Croatian and
map of the location of these archaeological sites English) and the font size and line spacing are
was also created for the exhibition. legible for visually impaired people. All texts
were also translated into Croatian sign language
The preparation of this exhibition consid- and were played on a nearby display (fig. 8, 9).9
ered certain technical adaptation standards - six
identical display cases were designed for six items The exhibition was well-received by all visi-
and their replicas. The height of display cases for tors and sparked interest in guest appearances in
example, i.e., the position of the original item, is other museums. After the Zagreb City Museum,
slightly lower – most people will notice that they the exhibition was opened in the Vučedol cul-
have to bend down to get a good look at an ex- ture museum in Vukovar, on the eve of the In-
hibit, but for children and wheelchair users this ternational White Cane Day, which is celebrat-
height is ideal. The original item is housed in a ed on October 15 (Bugar and Hutinec 2022).10
plexiglas cube. Below, on the inclined surface,
abbreviated texts are applied in Braille and in en- 9 Due to limited funds, as usual, some ideas could not be re-
larged print, following the example of the Info alized. It would be ideal if the entire exhibition was accom-
tactile points in the permanent display. Small- panied by relief floor strips for blind people with a white
er shelves with attached replicas that blind peo- cane. This was not possible, so they were placed in a smaller
ple, but also all other visitors, can touch are po- format only in front of the showcases, as a kind of marker.

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