Page 62 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 62
b is made of hydraulic mortar, which is stillstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 62increased by 4°C, which means that it reached
preserved in the chamber. In the antechamber, 18°C in only 10 minutes. Since the temperature
unfortunately, the floor has not been preservedhereditati inside the tomb fluctuates, daily visits would af-
due to the contemporary use of the tomb or due fect the humidity and damage the wall paint-
to earlier research. The wall decoration in the an- ings. This is another reason why the tomb should
techamber and in the chamber consists of stucco be conserved and presented in a virtual edition,
and mortar painted different colours, of which such as a 3D model based on visualizations.
the Pompeian-red predominates (fig. 4–6).
Virtual reconstruction and 3D model
On the 2.89 m high northwest wall of the The next phase was the creation of a virtual re-
chamber are a 10 cm high plinth and a 1.24 m construction of the tomb, i.e. the analysis and
high stucco orthostat imitating marble slabs. digitization of the technical geometric docu-
The area above the 1 m high orthostat is paint- mentation. Besides digital documentation, vir-
ed red (fig. 5). In previous researches, the high- tual reconstruction is very important because it
est part of the wall was depicted with blue paint is the only way to visualize the tomb under the
(Битракова Грозданова and Кузман 1999, 13; currently available conditions. The aim of this
2017), which was not confirmed during the field activity was to present the documented tomb to
documentation, as the last 55 cm do not have any a wider public. Thus, an information board with
painted surface. a short description of the tomb and a QR code to
access the virtual reconstruction was placed near
The exit wall of the chamber has the same the site.
dimensions. The door is 80 cm wide and the
stone structure on which the door was installed The third activity, also aimed at the pub-
has an interesting detail on the side of the cham- lic presentation of the tomb, was the creation of
ber, which tells us that one of the stone blocks an ideal reconstruction, virtual restoration and
broke during installation, so it was fixed with model of the tomb, for which the textured 3D
iron, that is, a kind of clamp. On the other hand, models are necessary. Three-dimensional digi-
the entrance from the antechamber to the cham- tization has become an integral part of cultur-
ber has a 1.27 m high orthostat, identical to the al heritage documentation and brings significant
one in the chamber. The red paint covered the benefits to studies of reconstruction and resto-
same height, while the unpainted part is only ration of architectural structures, archaeological
40 cm high. Finally, the exit wall from the an- sites, and historical monuments (Stampouloglou
techamber to the dromos, similar to the north- et al. 2019). Thus, a model of the Ohrid Tomb
western wall, has a 10 cm high base, an orthostat was produced using a 3D printer and later artisti-
of 1.24 m, a 1 m band paint red and an unpainted cally painted (fig. 7). In this way, researchers and
part of 40 cm (fig. 5). visitors can now better understand the original
appearance of the monument, even though safe-
On the southwest side of the chamber, the ty reasons prohibit actual physical restoration of
floor and wall show traces of destruction, prob- the tomb. With the 3D model, we also wanted to
ably by illegal excavators. At the entrance itself, show how the tomb looked in three dimensions
above the antechamber, the roof is also badly de- so that people with different types of disabilities
stroyed. This probably happened during the First could see and touch it. We can now touch and
World War, as evidenced by the inscriptions on feel the tomb in detail, especially its construc-
the southwestern wall of the chamber. tion and the architecture. This result allowed
equal participation in the broader cultural activ-
It is interesting to note that during this ac- ities of Ohrid. It therefore provides an excellent
tivity the temperature inside the tomb was meas- opportunity to involve different audiences (chil-
ured regularly and indicated a constant tem-
perature of 14°C. However, in the presence of
three people, the temperature inside the tomb
preserved in the chamber. In the antechamber, 18°C in only 10 minutes. Since the temperature
unfortunately, the floor has not been preservedhereditati inside the tomb fluctuates, daily visits would af-
due to the contemporary use of the tomb or due fect the humidity and damage the wall paint-
to earlier research. The wall decoration in the an- ings. This is another reason why the tomb should
techamber and in the chamber consists of stucco be conserved and presented in a virtual edition,
and mortar painted different colours, of which such as a 3D model based on visualizations.
the Pompeian-red predominates (fig. 4–6).
Virtual reconstruction and 3D model
On the 2.89 m high northwest wall of the The next phase was the creation of a virtual re-
chamber are a 10 cm high plinth and a 1.24 m construction of the tomb, i.e. the analysis and
high stucco orthostat imitating marble slabs. digitization of the technical geometric docu-
The area above the 1 m high orthostat is paint- mentation. Besides digital documentation, vir-
ed red (fig. 5). In previous researches, the high- tual reconstruction is very important because it
est part of the wall was depicted with blue paint is the only way to visualize the tomb under the
(Битракова Грозданова and Кузман 1999, 13; currently available conditions. The aim of this
2017), which was not confirmed during the field activity was to present the documented tomb to
documentation, as the last 55 cm do not have any a wider public. Thus, an information board with
painted surface. a short description of the tomb and a QR code to
access the virtual reconstruction was placed near
The exit wall of the chamber has the same the site.
dimensions. The door is 80 cm wide and the
stone structure on which the door was installed The third activity, also aimed at the pub-
has an interesting detail on the side of the cham- lic presentation of the tomb, was the creation of
ber, which tells us that one of the stone blocks an ideal reconstruction, virtual restoration and
broke during installation, so it was fixed with model of the tomb, for which the textured 3D
iron, that is, a kind of clamp. On the other hand, models are necessary. Three-dimensional digi-
the entrance from the antechamber to the cham- tization has become an integral part of cultur-
ber has a 1.27 m high orthostat, identical to the al heritage documentation and brings significant
one in the chamber. The red paint covered the benefits to studies of reconstruction and resto-
same height, while the unpainted part is only ration of architectural structures, archaeological
40 cm high. Finally, the exit wall from the an- sites, and historical monuments (Stampouloglou
techamber to the dromos, similar to the north- et al. 2019). Thus, a model of the Ohrid Tomb
western wall, has a 10 cm high base, an orthostat was produced using a 3D printer and later artisti-
of 1.24 m, a 1 m band paint red and an unpainted cally painted (fig. 7). In this way, researchers and
part of 40 cm (fig. 5). visitors can now better understand the original
appearance of the monument, even though safe-
On the southwest side of the chamber, the ty reasons prohibit actual physical restoration of
floor and wall show traces of destruction, prob- the tomb. With the 3D model, we also wanted to
ably by illegal excavators. At the entrance itself, show how the tomb looked in three dimensions
above the antechamber, the roof is also badly de- so that people with different types of disabilities
stroyed. This probably happened during the First could see and touch it. We can now touch and
World War, as evidenced by the inscriptions on feel the tomb in detail, especially its construc-
the southwestern wall of the chamber. tion and the architecture. This result allowed
equal participation in the broader cultural activ-
It is interesting to note that during this ac- ities of Ohrid. It therefore provides an excellent
tivity the temperature inside the tomb was meas- opportunity to involve different audiences (chil-
ured regularly and indicated a constant tem-
perature of 14°C. However, in the presence of
three people, the temperature inside the tomb