Page 70 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 70
ion due to its architectural remains was ar- Most of the architectural elements were lo-
chaeologically explored and excavated in 2012 to cated towards the west from the foundations –
determine the exact location of the architecture several of them were discovered not far from the
and discover additional architectural elements place of their fall. For the reconstruction were of
that would allow for reconstruction. Several test special importance fragments of the ceiling cas-
trenches were excavated on the larger area, where sette with a representation of the claws of an ea-
the architectural elements were scattered. On gle or a griffin, a part of a cornice with a den-
the western plateau of the hill called Gramadje, ticula and a sima with reliefs of lion heads that
three control trenches of 10 m in length did not served as spouts for rainwater from the roof.
produce any results. Further, was discovered massive frontal acrote-
ria with acanthus leaf decoration superimposed
Two trenches were excavated on the hill with a towering central palmette, a decoration
where the location of the architecture was as- unknown until now in Northern Macedonia.
sumed. In both of them were discovered founda-
tions of architecture that was interpreted as be- Research continued in 2016 and the goal
ing secular. The foundations and crepidoma of was to complete the excavations of the interior
the heroon as well as several stone architectur- of the temple. The discovered architectural el-
al elements were discovered in 2012 at a third ements and the foundation enabled the recon-
location. struction of the temple with its roof.
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 70

Figure 4: The base of the temple-heroon with architectural elements (archaeological campaign 2012, M. 1: 50; archive
of the UKIM).

Architecture and architectural elements which is consisted of five continuous bands and
Tympanum of the temple: Four corner elements the total height of the entire zone is 0.19 m. The
originating from the front and back of the tem- lowest is the toothed zone (denticula) with de-
ple have been preserved. The tympanum is com- pressions (imersecriones) that have an oblique
posed of a horizontal wreath without a sima, profile. Followed by a narrow cymatium over
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