Page 74 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 74
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 74

Figure 10: 3D digital reconstruction and restoration of the temple-heroon in Gramadje – Barovo (produced
by K. Denkovski).

During the Erasmus+ AD HOC project Povzetek
(Accessible and Digitised Cultural Heritage for
persons with disabilities) a complete three-di- Tempelj-heroon (mavzolej) v Gramadju (Barovo) je bil
mensional digital reconstruction, visual restora- zgrajen na položnem pobočju s širokim panoramskim
tion and 3D model of the temple was made. razgledom proti Barovski planoti na jugu. Gre za pravo-
kotno stavbo z orientacijo severozahod-jugozahod veli-
Summary kosti 5,40 x 3,50 metrov.
Oblika arhitekture - njeni značilni funkcionalni in de-
The temple-heroon in Gramadje (Barovo) was erected korativni detajli nam omogočajo rekonstrukcijo na-
on a gentle slope with a wide panoramic view towards membnosti in datacije objekta. Ne samo arhitektura,
the Barovo plateau in the south. It was a rectangular predvsem ohranjeni fragmenti kiparstva in portreti s
building with a northwest-southwest orientation and plošč v stropu nakazujejo na datacijo templja-heroona iz
5.40 to 3.50 meters in size. Barova v drugo polovico 2. in začetek 3. stoletja.
The form of the architecture - its characteristic func- V okviru projekta Erasmus+ AD HOC (Dostopna in
tional and decorative details, enable us to reconstruct digitalizirana kulturna dediščina za osebe s posebni-
the purpose as well as the dating of the building. Not mi potrebami) je bila narejena tridimenzionalna digi-
only the architecture but mostly the preserved frag- talna rekonstrukcija, vizualna restavracija in 3D model
ments of sculpture and the portraits from the plates templja. Ta model se bo uporabljal v različnih izobraže-
in the celing suggest a dating of the temple-heroon valnih dejavnostih za osebe z vsemi vrstami oviranosti,
from Barovo into the second half of the 2nd and early 3rd še posebej za otroke z motnjami vida iz šole za slepe
century. DUCOR “Dimitar Vlahov” iz Skopja.
In the framework of the Erasmus+ AD HOC project
(Accessible and Digitised Cultural Heritage for persons References
with disabilities) a complete three-dimensional digital Bitrakova Grozdanova, V. and A. Nikoloska,
reconstruction, visual restoration and 3D model of the
temple was created. This model will be used in a variety eds. 2002. Corpus Signorum Imperii
of educational activities for persons with all kinds of dis- Roman, North Macedonia. Volume I/1.
abilities, especially for the children with visual impair- Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Sciences
ments from the state school for blind DUCOR “Dimi- and Arts.
tar Vlahov” from Skopje. Лилчиќ, В. 1986. “Гробни едикули и
мавзолеи од античко време во СР
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