Page 67 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 67
ia universitatisThe Roman temple – heroon of Gramadje, Barovo – Demir Kapija
67 Rimski tempelj – heroon iz Gramadja, Barovo – Demir Kapija

Viktor Lilchikj Adamsen
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy, North Macedonia
Antonio Jakimovski
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy, North Macedonia

Marjan Jovanov
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy, North Macedonia

The article presents the results of the archaeological research of a temple – heroon from the Roman pe-
riod in Barovo (Demir Kapija, Northern Macedonia). Based on the research carried out, and the archi-
tectural elements found, we have managed to create an ideal reconstruction of the temple with the roof,
or rather, to get an impression of how the temple probably looked before its destruction. Within the
framework of the Erasmus+ AD HOC project (Accessible and Digitised Cultural Heritage for Per-
sons with Disabilities), a three-dimensional digital reconstruction, a visual restoration and a 3D mod-
el of the temple were created. This model will be used in a variety of educational activities for audienc-
es with all types of disabilities.
Key words: temple – heroon, Roman period, 3D digital reconstruction

Članek predstavlja rezultate arheološke raziskave templja – heroona iz rimskega obdobja v Barovu (De-
mir Kapija, Severna Makedonija). Na podlagi opravljenih raziskav in najdenih arhitekturnih elemen-
tov nam je uspelo ustvariti idealno rekonstrukcijo templja s streho, oziroma pridobiti vpogled, kako je
tempelj verjetno izgledal pred uničenjem. V okviru projekta Erasmus+ AD HOC (Dostopna in digita-
lizirana kulturna dediščina za osebe s posebnimi potrebami) je bila izdelana tridimenzionalna digitalna
rekonstrukcija, vizualna restavracija in 3D model templja. Ta model se bo uporabljal v različnih izobra-
ževalnih dejavnostih za občinstvo z vsemi vrstami posebnih potreb.
Ključne besede: tempelj-heroon, rimsko obdobje, 3D digitalna rekonstrukcija

Introduction Two archaeological sites were discovered in the
immediate vicinity of Barovo – Ridot, an an-
The village of Barovo is located in the val- cient village from the early Roman period of the
ley of the gold-bearing river Boshava, 1st – 2nd century, and Gramadje, a temple-heroon
which rises from the mountain Kozhuv. with a necropolis (Лилчиќ 2001, 319). The sec-
It is located 17 km from the town of Negotino ond one is located 1 km south of the village.
and 12 km southwest of Demir Kapija. Along
the river valley there are several ancient settle- The first information about discoveries of
ments near the villages of Gorna Boshava, Kula, stone remains of a temple was mentioned by Vo-
Konopishte, Gradishte, Koprishnica and others. jislav Radovanović (Радовановиħ 1924, 318)
and later by Nikola Vulić (Вулиħ 1933, 101–103;
h t t p s : //d o i . o r g /10 . 2 6 49 3 /2 35 0 - 5 4 4 3 . 10 (2) 67-7 5 ibid 1941-48, 54). Years later, Viktor Lilchikj

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