Page 65 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 65
ia universitatis evidence.” In Ancient Macedonia VIII: Bonče.“ Folia archaeologica Balkanica II:
virtual accessibilit y of the macedonian tomb in ohr id 65 Macedonia from the Death of Philip II 165–179.
to Augustus’ Rise to Power. The eighth Jakimovski, A. 2015. “Staro Bonce.“ In Visoka
International Symposium held in and Staro Bonce. Center of the Kingdom
Thessaloniki, November 21-24, 2017, edited of Pelagonia and the Royal Tomb of
by V. Pappas and D. Terzopoulou, 425– Pavla Cuka. V. Lilchikj Adams and A.
435. Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Jakimovski, 27–42. Skopje: Ministry of
studies. Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.
Bitrakova Grozdanova, V. and P. Kuzman Kajda, K., T. Michalik and D. Kobiałka 2015.
2017. “Lychnidos dans la haute antiquite “Heritage for All - A Contribution to
(nouvelles preuves archeologiques).” In the Inclusion of People with Intellectual
Lychnidos et Dassaretie, V. Bitrakova Disabilities in Archaeology: A Polish
Grozdanova, 101–122. Skopje: Académie Perspective.” Current Swedish Archeaology
Macédonienne des Sciences et des Arts – 23: 131–156.
Librairie “Matica Makedonska.” Kuzman, P. 2009. Macedonian Type of
Блажевска, С. 2013. “Раната антика и Tomb in Varos – Ohrid.” Macedonian
хеленистичкиот период во Македонија Archaeological News 3 (1).
(Археологија).” In Mакедонија: index.php?lang=en
милениумски културно – историски Miller, G. S. 1982. “Macedonian tombs:
факти. Tом 2, edited by П. Кузман, Their Architecture and Architectural
E. Димитрова and J. Донев, 637–731. Decoration.” Ιn Macedonia and Greece in
Cкопје: Медиа принт Македонија – Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Times.
Yниверзитет Eвробалкан. Studies in the History of Art 10, edited by
Borza, E. and O. Palagia 2007. The chronology B. Barr-Sharrar and E. N. Borza, 153–171.
of the Macedonian royal tombs at Vergina. Washington: National Gallery of Art.
Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Miller, G. S. 1993. The Tomb of Lyson and
Instituts 122: 81–127. Kallikles: a Painted Macedonian Tomb.
D’Angelo, B. 2010. “The evolution of the Mainz am Rhein: P. von Zabern.
Macedonian tomb: Hellenistic funerary Митревски, Д. 2013. “Праисторија во
architecture revisited.” Patrimonuim 3 (7– Република Македонија (Археологија).” In
8): 57–68. In Mакедонија: милениумски културно
Guštin, M. and P. Kuzman 2016. “The Elitte: – историски факти. Tом 2, edited by П.
the Upper Vardar River Region in the Кузман, E. Димитрова and J. Донев, 83–
Period from the Reign of Philip II of 266. Cкопје: Медиа принт Македонија
Macedon until the Reign of Diadochi.” In – Yниверзитет Eвробалкан.
Funerary practices during the Bronze and Palagia, O. 2022. “Macedonian vaulted
Iron Ages in Central and Southeast Europe: tombs.” In Oxford Classical
Proceedings of the 14th International Dictionary.
Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology in acrefore/9780199381135.013.8826
Čačak, Serbia, 24th - 27th September 2015, Schmidt-Dounas, B. 2016. “Macedonian Grave
edited by V.Sirbiu, M. Jevtić, K. Dmitrović Tumuli.” In Tumulus as Sema: Space,
and M. Ljuština, 313–332. Beograd – Politics, Culture and Religion in the First
Čačak: University of Belgrade – National Millennium BC, edited by O. Henry and
museum Čačak. U. Kelp, 101–142. Berlin, Boston: De
Jakimovski, A. 2011. “Das königliche Gruyter.
makedonische Grab in der Nähe von
virtual accessibilit y of the macedonian tomb in ohr id 65 Macedonia from the Death of Philip II 165–179.
to Augustus’ Rise to Power. The eighth Jakimovski, A. 2015. “Staro Bonce.“ In Visoka
International Symposium held in and Staro Bonce. Center of the Kingdom
Thessaloniki, November 21-24, 2017, edited of Pelagonia and the Royal Tomb of
by V. Pappas and D. Terzopoulou, 425– Pavla Cuka. V. Lilchikj Adams and A.
435. Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Jakimovski, 27–42. Skopje: Ministry of
studies. Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.
Bitrakova Grozdanova, V. and P. Kuzman Kajda, K., T. Michalik and D. Kobiałka 2015.
2017. “Lychnidos dans la haute antiquite “Heritage for All - A Contribution to
(nouvelles preuves archeologiques).” In the Inclusion of People with Intellectual
Lychnidos et Dassaretie, V. Bitrakova Disabilities in Archaeology: A Polish
Grozdanova, 101–122. Skopje: Académie Perspective.” Current Swedish Archeaology
Macédonienne des Sciences et des Arts – 23: 131–156.
Librairie “Matica Makedonska.” Kuzman, P. 2009. Macedonian Type of
Блажевска, С. 2013. “Раната антика и Tomb in Varos – Ohrid.” Macedonian
хеленистичкиот период во Македонија Archaeological News 3 (1).
(Археологија).” In Mакедонија: index.php?lang=en
милениумски културно – историски Miller, G. S. 1982. “Macedonian tombs:
факти. Tом 2, edited by П. Кузман, Their Architecture and Architectural
E. Димитрова and J. Донев, 637–731. Decoration.” Ιn Macedonia and Greece in
Cкопје: Медиа принт Македонија – Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Times.
Yниверзитет Eвробалкан. Studies in the History of Art 10, edited by
Borza, E. and O. Palagia 2007. The chronology B. Barr-Sharrar and E. N. Borza, 153–171.
of the Macedonian royal tombs at Vergina. Washington: National Gallery of Art.
Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Miller, G. S. 1993. The Tomb of Lyson and
Instituts 122: 81–127. Kallikles: a Painted Macedonian Tomb.
D’Angelo, B. 2010. “The evolution of the Mainz am Rhein: P. von Zabern.
Macedonian tomb: Hellenistic funerary Митревски, Д. 2013. “Праисторија во
architecture revisited.” Patrimonuim 3 (7– Република Македонија (Археологија).” In
8): 57–68. In Mакедонија: милениумски културно
Guštin, M. and P. Kuzman 2016. “The Elitte: – историски факти. Tом 2, edited by П.
the Upper Vardar River Region in the Кузман, E. Димитрова and J. Донев, 83–
Period from the Reign of Philip II of 266. Cкопје: Медиа принт Македонија
Macedon until the Reign of Diadochi.” In – Yниверзитет Eвробалкан.
Funerary practices during the Bronze and Palagia, O. 2022. “Macedonian vaulted
Iron Ages in Central and Southeast Europe: tombs.” In Oxford Classical
Proceedings of the 14th International Dictionary.
Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology in acrefore/9780199381135.013.8826
Čačak, Serbia, 24th - 27th September 2015, Schmidt-Dounas, B. 2016. “Macedonian Grave
edited by V.Sirbiu, M. Jevtić, K. Dmitrović Tumuli.” In Tumulus as Sema: Space,
and M. Ljuština, 313–332. Beograd – Politics, Culture and Religion in the First
Čačak: University of Belgrade – National Millennium BC, edited by O. Henry and
museum Čačak. U. Kelp, 101–142. Berlin, Boston: De
Jakimovski, A. 2011. “Das königliche Gruyter.
makedonische Grab in der Nähe von