Page 107 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 107
day life and the economic and social interactions List of Interlocutors*
near a newly established border. Since the inter- Interlocutor 1, 1952, Koper, 1.3.2021
views were carried out with members of different Interlocutor 2, 1952, Koper, 1.3.2021
generations, different perspectives on the stud- Interlocutor 3, 1956, Koper, 5.2.2021
ied topic were gathered. As became clear in the Interlocutor 4, 1949, Lokev, 31.3.2021
course of my conversations with the local inhab- Interlocutor 5, 1952, Lokev, 31.3.2021
itants, the post-war reality was seen different- Interlocutor 6, 1955, Škofije, 9.6.2022
ly by children and adults. Another perspective Interlocutor 7, 1939, Sv. Anton, 23.7.2021
was that of the ‘second’ generation – my inter- Interlocutor 8, 1948, Sv. Anton, 23.7.2021
locutors remembered or recalled their parents’ Interlocutor 9, 1941, Koper, 13.10.2021
or relatives’ experiences or stories told by them. Interlocutor 10, 1950, Škofije, 6.4.2022
This opens up new questions related to meth- Interlocutor 11, 1948, Boršt, 16.11.2021
odological issues. These were, however, not ad- Interlocutor 12, 1943, Lokev, 15.4.2021 107
Interlocutor 13, 1939, Lokev, 15.4.2021
ti dressed in this paper, as the question was how Interlocutor 14, 1925, Koper, 28.9.2022
communication, cooperation and the exchange
Interlocutor 15, 1940, Koper, 30.3.2023
of goods were able to continue when the border
Interlocutor 16, 1944, Koper, 30.3.2023
ta caused a strong territorial division, and how this * All my interlocutors will remain unknown. The
situation was perceived by the local population.
What were the daily experiences and surviv-
only data is year of birth.
al strategies that people living along the border
di adopted to cope with the newly emerging polit- References
ical situation? The central question was how the
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more ‘personal’ view, which has been addressed
po drugi svetovni vojni.’ Degree thesis,
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University of Ljubljana.
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