Page 109 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
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Challenges and Chances, edited by A.    Verginella, M. 2021. Donne e Confini:
                   Lechevalier and J. Wielgohs, 21–44.     assato#confini#Europa#lavoro#pandemia.
                   Bielefeld: Transcript.                      Rome: Manifestolibri.
               Sitar, P. 2021. ‘Agrikulturna modernizacija   Žitko, S., R. Šiškovič, J. Hočevar, and
                   in življenjski svet podjetnih polkmetov:    D. Vremec, eds. 1992. Koper. Koper:
                   integrirana kmečka ekonomija v              Skupščina občine, Izvršni svet.
                   socialistični Sloveniji.’ Prispevki za novejšo
                   zgodovino 61 (2): 142–168.              Summary
               Sporazum o Julijskoj krajini između Jugoslavije   Negotiating about the positioning of a demarcation
                   s jedne strane i Velike Britanije i     line, and reaching a consensus or agreement about a
                   Sjedinjenih američkih država s druge    border between all parties involved is a complex process
                   strane. 1945. In Međunarodni ugovori    that has occurred in different historical periods and cir-
                   Federativne narodne republike Jugoslavije 2.    cumstances. The establishment of a line of demarcation   109
                                                           strongly marks all aspects of life. In addition to the po-
 ti            Škorjanec, V. 2006. ‘Priprave na Osimska    litical relations between the countries or lands involved,
                   pogajanja.’ Annales: anali za istrske in
                                                           it affects the living conditions of people living near the
                   mediteranske študije. Series historia et   new border who find themselves  in a new reality. When
 ta            Treaty of Peace with Italy. Signed in Paris, on   been the subject of disputes and conflicts for many
                   sociologia 16 (1): 43–56.
                                                           new borders are established, especially in areas that have
                   10 February 1947. 1950. United Nations
                                                           years, life changes drastically. New borders also create
                   Treaty Series 49 (747).
                                                           new relationships and conditions for life and coexist-
 di            Treaty on the Delimitation of the Frontier   ence. Adapting to a new reality always requires adjust-
                   for the Part Not Indicated as Such in the
                                                           ments. The process of establishing or agreeing on a bor-
                   Peace Treaty of 10 February 1947 (with
                                                           der, especially in disputed areas where different or even
                   Annexes, Exchanges of Letters and Final
                   Act). Signed in Osimo, Ancona, on 10    conflicting political regimes seek to annex territories, is
                                                           long-lasting and demanding.
 here          Troha, N. 1999. Komu Trst: Slovenci in      northern Adriatic after the end of World War II. Re- everyday life in the borderland area between yugoslavia and italy after wwii ...
                   November 1975. 1987. United Nations
                                                           In this paper, I focus on the issue of determining the
                   Treaty Series 1466 (24848).

                                                           border between Yugoslavia and Italy in the area of  the
                   Italijani med dvema državama. Ljubljana:
                                                           solving this issue was demanding and took many years.
                                                           In order to understand the dynamics and relations that
               Troha, N. 2016. ‘Yugoslav-Italian Border and
                                                           were (or were in the process of being) established after
                   the Issue of Slovenian Access to the Sea.’ In
                   Between the House of Habsburg and Tito:
                                                           ved, it is necessary to explain the very process of border
                   A Look at the Slovenian Past 1861–1980,   the war between the states and the other forces invol-
                                                           creation. The area that was the subject of delimitation
                   edited by J. Perovšek and B. Godeša, 203–  and which I discuss in the paper was ethnically diver-
                   214. Ljubljana: Institute of Contemporary   se, so a clear dividing line based on ‘national’ affiliati-
                   History.                                on could not be established. In addition, there was also
               Troha, N. 2018. ‘Ustvarjanje meje z Italijo in   an ideological struggle between two political and soci-
                   vloga popisov prebivalstva.’ In Ustvarjanje   al systems on the future Yugoslav-Italian border. The-
                   slovensko-hrvaške meje, edited by M. Zajc,   refore, it is not surprising that international forces with
                   165–188. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo   diplomatic representatives were involved in the border
                   zgodovino.                              process.
               Troha, N. 2019. ‘Nekaj utrinkov iz političnega   As a historian interested in people’s everyday lives, who
                   življenja na Svobodnem tržaškem ozemlju   focuses on views ‘from below’ – the daily experiences
                   (1947–1954).’ Kronika 67 (3): 677–692.  and survival strategies that the inhabitants of the border
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