Page 111 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 111

The Primary School in Postwar Koper/Capodistria
                                               as a Social Laboratory
                           Osnovna šola v povojnem Kopru/Capodistrii kot socialni laboratorij

                                                Neža Čebron Lipovec
                                       University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities
                                                    Aleksej Kalc
                     Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Slovenian Migration Institute;
                                       University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities

 ti                In the border region of northern Istria, the decade after World War II was a time of political, social and
                   demographic changes that accompanied the introduction of the socialist system. The demarcation pro-
                   cess between Italy and Yugoslavia led to an almost complete replacement and ethnic transformation of
 ta                which is analysed here in terms of social and architectural history. With the help of statistics and school
                   the urban population. A striking example of this transition is the development of primary education,

                   records, we observe the impacts of emigration and immigration on the size and structure of the school
                   population, as well as on the process of establishing the Slovenian school in the city of Koper/Capodis-
 di                tria. Through architectural and symbolic discourses on school infrastructure, we also question the her-
                   itage significance of school buildings and institutions for contemporary local society.
                   Keywords: Istria, post WWII period, population transfers, primary school, architecture, school build-
                   ings, heritage

 here              V obmejni pokrajini severni Istri je bilo desetletje po drugi svetovni vojni čas političnih, socialnih in de-

                   mografskih sprememb, ki so spremljale uvedbo socialističnega sistema. Razmejitev med Italijo in Ju-
                   goslavijo je povzročila skoraj popolno zamenjavo in etnično preobrazbo mestnega prebivalstva. Izrazit
                   primer tega prehoda je razvoj osnovnega šolstva, ki ga v prispevku analizirava z vidika družbene in arhi-
                   tekturne zgodovine. S pomočjo statistik in šolskih evidenc opazujeva vplive izseljevanja in priseljevanja
                   na obseg ter strukturo šolske populacije in na proces ustanavljanja slovenske šole v mestu Koper. Sko-
                   studiauniversitatis zi arhitekturne in simbolne diskurze o šolski arhitekturi preizprašujeva tudi dediščinski pomen šolskih
                   zgradb in institucij za sodobno lokalno družbo.
                   Ključne besede: Istra, čas po drugi svetovni vojni, premiki prebivalstva, osnovna šola, arhitektura, šolske
                   zgradbe, dediščina

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