Page 52 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 52

        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2


               Figure 2: Memorial to the victims of intercommunity    Figure 3: Memorial to the victims of intercommunity
               violence of the 1940s, in Igoumenitsa, Greece.    violence of the 1940s, in Kestrini, Greece.    di
               (photo: Pierre Sintès, 2011)                (photo: Pierre Sintès, 2010)

               tian, as the headstones often bear a cross, or else   structures that commemorate the death of a per-
               Albano-chams (Αλβανοτσάμιδες) or Albanians   son in a road accident in the region today. But by
               (Αλβανοί). This terminology clearly identifies   their very presence and the details they provide
               the murderers as the Muslim Chams who inhab-  about the murder, these monuments also seem
               ited the region until 1945.                 intended to carry a message beyond the victim’s   here
                   Compared with the more official monu-   family circle. Indeed, while the space is thus in-
               ments commemorating the victims of the vari-  vested with a private sentiment, it also becomes
               ous conflicts, erected in public squares or cem-  the public medium for remembering what may
               eteries in Greece, these small steles mentioning   appear  to  be  a sacrifice  that  grieves  the  whole
               the specific violence perpetrated by Muslims in   community, which may feel that it has been tar-
               the region tell the local story in their own way.   geted because of its religion or nationality. These
               They bear  witness to the painful  memories  of   steles can therefore also be presented as the ma-
               the families affected by the murders. Certain   terial component of the oral testimonies men-
               elements make them appear to be private mon-  tioned above which, by explicitly identifying the
               uments: they bear signs of closeness to the de-  murderers, also convey a political and national
               ceased, such as the names of the orphans left be-  message, in the broadest sense of the term, about
               hind or the nickname used during their lifetime.   these past events.
               Sometimes, the names of those who commis-       By their very presence, these small com-                             studiauniversitatis
               sioned the stele appear on its base, confirming   memorative monuments also fulfil the expected
               the family origin of the initiative. These features   role of marking the national territory. They es-
               bring them closer to the private chapels or small   tablish places of remembrance and help to make
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