Page 54 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 54

entire Muslim villages that have been abandoned   bouring region and is undoubtedly a witness of
               since the departure of their inhabitants in 1944-  the transmission of a still disputed memory.
               45, which are present on old maps and whose ru-
               ins are still visible in the landscape, but which   Changing Narratives
               are,  on  the contrary, completely  absent in  re-  in Tune With Our Times
               cent signage or cartography (see Figure 4 and 5).   The key features of these narratives, and the
               For example, while the former Orthodox village   marks they leave on the territories, are the prod-
               of Sagiada is indicated by a makeshift sign, the   uct of an eventful history. They were forged at key
               nearby abandoned Muslim village of Liopsi are   moments, when antagonisms were asserted, or
               not mentioned in the signage; other villages that   when they were revealed. They have been trans-
               are still populated have been renamed, leaving   mitted from generation to generation through
               only Greek-sounding names. If “history is writ-  family histories and official narratives. However,
        54     ten by the victor”, as the bookseller in the small   the form of these narratives should not be seen as
               town of Paramithia placidly told me during the   inert material, frozen from the moments when
               survey, he also writes the names of the places and   the events took place. It must also be understood   ti
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
               selects the victims to be commemorated. To find   in relation to the dynamics of the present and
               a different version of this story, it is necessary to   the characteristics of the moments when these
               cross the border. Just a few kilometres away, in   memories are expressed. This is why it seems im-
               the central square of the small Albanian town   portant to examine them in the light of the gen-  ta
               of Konispol, stands another monument, built in   eral context of this survey, and the trajectory of
               the 1990s. It bears no name, just the words Me-  a region undergoing rapid transformation at the
               moriali i kushtohet martirizimit të shqiptarëve të   beginning of the 21st century.
               çamërisë prej gjenocidit të shovinizmit grek (“Me-
               morial dedicated to the martyrdom of the Al-  The Border and the Issues of the 2000s      di
               banians of Chameria whose genocide was per-  When discussing relations between Greece and
               petrated by Greek chauvinism”). Unlike the   Albania in the 2000s, it is impossible not to men-
               stelae described on the Greek side, this monu-  tion the strong migratory flows that have linked
               ment serves as a memorial to a group of anony-  the two countries since the early 1990s. Having
               mous victims: those of the “Cham genocide” as   long  been a  country  of departure,  Greece has
               officially recognized by the Albanian state since   gradually become a host country for many inter-
               1994. However, as it stands in the last Albani-  national migrants. At the time of the 2001 pop-  here
               an town before the border, it also acts as a land-  ulation census, international migrants account-
               mark, activating the representation of a space   ed for more than 760,000 people, or 7% of the
               crossed  by  a  front line. The  decorations  that   country’s total population, compared with less
               flank it also tell stories of victims: the styliza-  than 1.5% in 1991. Such a figure is enough to un-
               tion of a traditional female headdress character-  derstand that this period marked the beginning
               istic of the Chameria and stuck to the top of the   of a new phase in the country’s history. It was the
               monument, or the representation of a woman ly-  fall of the Eastern European regimes in the early
               ing next to her child on a bas-relief, take up the   1990s that was the main cause of Greece’s trans-
               stories of murders that are found in descriptions   formation into a land of immigration. Large
               of the massacres of the Muslim populations of   groups of migrants from Eastern Europe came to
               Thesprotia in 1944-45 (Kretsi 2007). This mon-  Greece. Albanians are by far the most numerous
               ument goes hand in hand with the introduction   foreigners in the country (over 57%), followed by                    studiauniversitatis
               in Albania in 1997 of a day of commemoration   Bulgarians (5%) and Romanians (2.9%). These
               of the memory of the Chams every 27 June. Its   migratory flows affect every region of Greece,
               discourse contrasts with that of Greece’s neigh-  from the smallest village in Crete or Argoli-
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