Page 9 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 9


                                                Neža Čebron Lipovec
                                            Univerza na Primorskem, Slovenija

                      iscussing heritage and memory, togeth-
                                                           core concepts, and also of the role of liminalities,
 ti  ti        Dover the last two decades in humanities,   bordering  practices,  transnationalism and  the
                      er or separately, has been a central topic
                                                           agonism. These broad themes set the framework
               the social sciences and elsewhere. To the point   for thematic issue 2023/II of the Studia Univer-
 ta  ta        memory studies experienced a first boom about   pared by colleagues from different fields (an-
               that it has almost become a buzz word. While
                                                           sitatis Hereditati Scientific Journal.
                                                               The issue gathers together seven papers pre-
               two decades ago (see Berliner 2005), interest in
               heritage first experienced a boom in the 1980s
                                                           thropology, political sciences, geography, his-
 di  di        (Lowenthal 1995; Harrison 2013). However, in   tory, architectural history) who participated in
               the last decade or so there has been an impressive
                                                           a bilateral project of the Proteus research pro-
               global growth in interest, including from other
                                                           gramme named  Pasts without history and dis-
               disciplines such as the natural sciences (see Wie-
               nberg 2021). Currently, different fields are ad-  placed  histories  of  people  without  traces,  led  by
                                                           leading scholars in the field of anthropology of
 here  here    change and the Anthropocene. Likewise, the   mass depopulations and repopulations, and the
               dressing topical issues. In heritage studies, schol-
                                                           memory, Michèle Baussant and Katja Hrobat
               arship is engaging in topics centred on climate
                                                           Virloget. The project dealt with the effects of
                                                           consequent radical socio-economic and politi-
               field of memory studies has been expanding with
               interstitial subjects. For example, environmen-
                                                           cal transformations. As the project leaders un-
               tal history has developed concepts such as “slow
                                                           derscored, the intent was to shed light on “the
               memory” (Wüstenberg 2023). At the same time,
               an established and flourishing perspective in the
                                                           presence and absence of the other and, therefore,
               field of anthropology of memory deals with ab-  crossed and parallel social constructions of the
                                                           the self” (Baussant 2021a). Since the existing
               sence and silence (Trouillot 2015; Baussant 2002;   displacement of population analyses were often
               Baussant 2021b; Hrobat Virloget 2023). The lat-  confined to epistemologies of single disciplines,
               ter intersects with topical issues in the field of   the Proteus project tried to grasp them together
               critical  heritage  studies,  namely  that  of  affect   through concepts such as landscape, lived space,
               and emotion (Smith, Wetherell and Campbell   home-making, history, objects, practices, and
               2018), along with issues concerning the trajec-  language, this way challenging binary nation-
               tories of (mis)recognition in heritage discourses.   al identities. A transversal concept that emerges
               Meanwhile, a recent branch of critical heritage   from the interstices of memory, places, and her-
               studies is focusing on conceptualising the herit-  itage is that of borders and borderlands, mobile,
               age-border and border-straddling (Harvey 2023),   liquid, imagined, or simply newly-made through
               with a call for the reconceptualization of both   bordering processes.
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