Page 14 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 14

I, who received nothing but fear and secret and shame of myself
                   [...] I, who know nothing about myself except what is said about me
                   I, brought up now here, in sickness
                   I, who know nothing,
                   I, who feel I belong to no time, to no country
                   Between myself and myself lies an infinite distance
                   Between myself and myself lies my true country, Algeria

                   (Pascal Bouaziz, ‘Algérie’, 2021)

                          e are in the square in front of the
                          building where I grew up, in the                                               ti
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
               Wsouth-eastern suburbs of Paris, in a
               neighbourhood called Mont-Mesly. This neigh-
               bourhood expanded at the same time as the ar-
               rival in France of various populations resulting                                          ta
               from colonisation and decolonisation. Howev-
               er, I remember that my grandmother, who lived
               one floor below us, used to call the trip across the
               street to the square ‘going to Foum Tataouine’.                                           di
               The few-metre walk seemed like an expedition
               to  a  place  named  after  another  place  in  Tuni-
               sia, which, when my family lived in Algeria, was
               a metaphor for travelling to a faraway place. I
               spent part of my childhood in Foum Tatouine
               without ever going there. I grew up with the im-
               age of a dual space and a divided consciousness                                           here
               passed on to me by the adults. They carried im-  Figure 1: An afternoon in ‘Foum Tataouine’, Algiers,
               ages, smells, sounds and ways of doing things so   1974, 1975? (source: Michele Baussant Personal Archive)
               powerful that these marks were not erased dec-
               ades after they had to rebuild their lives else-  tween spaces and things that die in time. It re-
               where (Benvenisti 2002), totally separated from   minded us of a time independent of space.
               Algeria.                                        This article  aims to highlight this linguis-
                   I could not share the meaning of their loss.   tic, spatial and temporal cartography of attach-
               I could not exchange memories about a coun-  ments, how it shaped my understanding of the
               try I never lived in. However, Algeria was like a   world and  my research interests  as a descend-
               shadow over the conversations, the tears and the   ant of specific displaced people: people who have
               laughter, intertwined with a sense of disarray,   nothing to do with persecuted romantic heroes,
               alienation and loneliness. It was always there,   1   This article takes up part of an article published in French   studiauniversitatis
               twisting the meaning of words, the so-called    (Baussant 2023), but develops it considerably in thought
               naturalness of practices, the evidence of distanc-  and content. It is based on a research financially support-
                                                               ed by the CNRS Convergences MIGRATIONS Institute,
               es between places, the existence of borders be-  reference ANR-17-CONV-0001.
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