Page 12 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 12
land”. The erection of this monumental marker the Association of Critical Heritage
of space also performed several interventions in Studies (ACHS) Central and Eastern
the historic tissue, adjusting the public space to Europe (CEE) Chapter, Ljubljana, 29–30
the representational needs of the fascist regime. November.
The seven contributions reflect the varie- Hrobat Virloget, K. 2023. Silences and Divided
ty of disciplines involved and their related epis- Memories: The Exodus and Its Legacy in
temologies and methodologies, in analysing the Post-War Istrian Society. Translated by M.
interlinks between memory and heritage. A par- Petrović. New York: Berhghan.
ticularity that occurs in most of these texts, how- Lowenthal, D. 1985. The Past is a Foreign
ever, is that they tackle cases of displaced popula- Country. Cambridge: Cambridge
tions or re-settled areas, leading to the question University Press.
of what and when was memorialised and herit- Smith, L., M. Wetherell, and G. Campbell.
ageised, and which trajectories of (mis)recogni- 2018. Emotion, Affective Practices, and the
12 tion these processes imply? In other words, what Past in the Present. London: Routledge.
was chosen to be remembered, and what con- Trouillot, M.-R. 2015. Silencing the Past: Power
studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
cealed, forgotten, silenced, and therefore which and the Production of History. 2nd ed. ti
sites, objects, material traces or practices were Boston, MA: Beacon.
claimed as heritage and by whom. Hence, the Wienberg, J. 2021. Heritopia: World Heritage
analyses presented here invite the reader to re- and Modernity. Lund: Lund University
flect upon the large span of concepts (and the Press. ta
cases that illustrate them) between contested, Wüstenberg, J. 2023. ‘Toward a Slow Memory
dissonant, silenced and erased memories and Studies.’ In Critical Memory Studies,
heritages, and on different scales – from local to edited by B. A. Kaplan, 59–68. London:
global. The issues raised by all the papers finally Bloomsburry Academic. di
converge in questioning the role of borders, their
mobility and (in)visibility.
Baussant, M. 2002. Pieds-noirs: mémoires
d’exils. Paris: Stock.
Baussant, M. 2021a. ‘About the Proteus here
Project.’ Defeated Memories/Mémoires
défaites, April 21. https://defeatedmemo.
Baussant, M. 2021b. ‘To Not Forget and to Not
Remember: The Blurred Faces of Silence.’
Cultural Analysis 19:113–115.
Berliner, D. 2005. ‘The Abuses of Memory:
Reflections on the Memory Boom in
Anthropology.’ Anthropological Quarterly
78 (1): 197–211.
Harrison, R. 2013. Heritage: Critical
Approaches. London: Routledge.
Harvey, D. C. 2023. ‘Borderstraddling studiauniversitatis
Heritage: Defining an Agenda.’ Key-
note speech at the 1st conference of