Page 59 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVII (2021), številka 34, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 59
žiga oman
Bossy, John. (1998) 2004. Peace in the Post-Reformation: The Birkbeck Lectures 1995.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Carroll, Stuart. 2019. »Political Justice and the Outbreak of the Wars of Religion.«
French History 33 (2): 177–198.
Dalmatin, Jurij. 1584. Biblia, tu ie, vse Svetu pismu, Stariga inu Novi-
ga testamenta. Wittenberg: Hans Kraffts Erben. http://www.dlib.
Dixon, C. Scott. 1996. »Popular Beliefs and the Reformation in Brandenburg-Ansba-
ch.« V Popular Religion in Germany and Central Europe, 1400–1800, ur. Bob Scrib-
ner in Trevor Johnson, 119–139. Houndmills: Macmillan.
–––. 2009. »Introduction: Living with Religious Diversity in Early-Modern Europe.«
V Living With Religious Diversity in Early Modern Europe, ur. C. Scott Dixon, Da-
gmar Freist in Mark Greengrass, 1–20. Farnham: Ashgate.
Domröse, Sonja. 2014. Frauen der Reformationszeit: gelehrt, mutig und glaubensfest.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Frijhoff, Willem. 2009. »How Plural were the Religious Worlds in Early-Modern Euro-
pe? Critical Reflections from the Netherlandic Experience.« V Living With Religi-
ous Diversity in Early Modern Europe, ur. C. Scott Dixon, Dagmar Freist in Mark
Greengrass, 21–51. Farnham: Ashgate.
Golec, Boris. 2021. »Poslednja volja začetnika rodu kranjskih Valvasorjev: oporoka
polihistorjevega deda Hieronima iz leta 1602.« Kronika 69 (2): 229–238.
Greengrass, Mark. 2009. »Afterword: Living Religious Diversity.« V Living With Reli-
gious Diversity in Early Modern Europe, ur. C. Scott Dixon, Dagmar Freist in Mark
Greengrass, 281–295. Farnham: Ashgate.
–––. 2018. Das verlorene Paradies: Europa 1517–1648. Darmstadt: Theiss Verlag.
Grell, Ole Peter. 1996. »Introduction.« V Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Re-
formation, ur. Ole Peter Grell in Bob Scribner, 1–12. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Guggisberg, Hans R. 1996. »Tolerance and Intolerance in Sixteenth-Century Basle.« V
Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation, ur. Ole Peter Grell in Bob
Scribner, 145–163. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Harrington, Joel F. 2017. »Legal Courts.« V The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Re-
formations, ur. Ulinka Rublack, 504–524. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jerše, Sašo. 2009. »Vera, upanje, oblast: o notranjeavstrijskem političnem imaginariju
v času verskih vrenj.« V Vera in hotenja: študije o Primožu Trubarju in njegovem
času, ur. Sašo Jerše, 67–103. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.
Kaplan, Benjamin J. 2007. Divided by Faith: Religious Conflict and the Practice of Tole-
ration in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge in London: Harvard University Press.
Bossy, John. (1998) 2004. Peace in the Post-Reformation: The Birkbeck Lectures 1995.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Carroll, Stuart. 2019. »Political Justice and the Outbreak of the Wars of Religion.«
French History 33 (2): 177–198.
Dalmatin, Jurij. 1584. Biblia, tu ie, vse Svetu pismu, Stariga inu Novi-
ga testamenta. Wittenberg: Hans Kraffts Erben. http://www.dlib.
Dixon, C. Scott. 1996. »Popular Beliefs and the Reformation in Brandenburg-Ansba-
ch.« V Popular Religion in Germany and Central Europe, 1400–1800, ur. Bob Scrib-
ner in Trevor Johnson, 119–139. Houndmills: Macmillan.
–––. 2009. »Introduction: Living with Religious Diversity in Early-Modern Europe.«
V Living With Religious Diversity in Early Modern Europe, ur. C. Scott Dixon, Da-
gmar Freist in Mark Greengrass, 1–20. Farnham: Ashgate.
Domröse, Sonja. 2014. Frauen der Reformationszeit: gelehrt, mutig und glaubensfest.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Frijhoff, Willem. 2009. »How Plural were the Religious Worlds in Early-Modern Euro-
pe? Critical Reflections from the Netherlandic Experience.« V Living With Religi-
ous Diversity in Early Modern Europe, ur. C. Scott Dixon, Dagmar Freist in Mark
Greengrass, 21–51. Farnham: Ashgate.
Golec, Boris. 2021. »Poslednja volja začetnika rodu kranjskih Valvasorjev: oporoka
polihistorjevega deda Hieronima iz leta 1602.« Kronika 69 (2): 229–238.
Greengrass, Mark. 2009. »Afterword: Living Religious Diversity.« V Living With Reli-
gious Diversity in Early Modern Europe, ur. C. Scott Dixon, Dagmar Freist in Mark
Greengrass, 281–295. Farnham: Ashgate.
–––. 2018. Das verlorene Paradies: Europa 1517–1648. Darmstadt: Theiss Verlag.
Grell, Ole Peter. 1996. »Introduction.« V Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Re-
formation, ur. Ole Peter Grell in Bob Scribner, 1–12. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Guggisberg, Hans R. 1996. »Tolerance and Intolerance in Sixteenth-Century Basle.« V
Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation, ur. Ole Peter Grell in Bob
Scribner, 145–163. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Harrington, Joel F. 2017. »Legal Courts.« V The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Re-
formations, ur. Ulinka Rublack, 504–524. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jerše, Sašo. 2009. »Vera, upanje, oblast: o notranjeavstrijskem političnem imaginariju
v času verskih vrenj.« V Vera in hotenja: študije o Primožu Trubarju in njegovem
času, ur. Sašo Jerše, 67–103. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.
Kaplan, Benjamin J. 2007. Divided by Faith: Religious Conflict and the Practice of Tole-
ration in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge in London: Harvard University Press.