Page 138 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 138

es Scale (SEES) and instruments measuring stress and anxiety levels like the
             glasbenopedagoški zbornik ◆ letnik/volume 20 ◆ številka/number 40
               Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ) and the State-Trait Anxiety Invento-
               ry (STAI). Each study used multiple instruments to measure specific aspects
               of wellbeing, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of
               choral singing.
                   Reviewing and analysing studies on choral singing benefits for adoles-
               cents and adults reveals a range of positive effects on overall wellbeing. Studies
               focused on adolescents (n = 4) revealed positive effects on physical, emotion-
               al, cognitive and social wellbeing. Physical benefits included improvements
               in posture, controlled breathing and fitness. Emotional benefits encompassed
               boosted mood, stress reduction and increased self-confidence. Cognitive ben-
               efits emphasized enhancements in musical skills and focused attention. So-
               cial benefits highlighted positive impacts on social identity, friendships and
               teamwork. Spiritual benefits, indicating a sense of connectedness and spiritual
               growth, were explicit in two studies. Studies primarily involving adults (n = 8)
               demonstrated emotional wellbeing improvements, physical, psychological, so-
               cial and cognitive benefits.
                   The synthesis supports a multifaceted understanding of the wellbeing
               benefits associated with both adolescent and adult choir participation. Differ-
               ences and similarities across studies underscore the nuanced impact of choral
               singing on emotional, psychological, social, cognitive and physical wellbeing.
               Emotional benefits were consistently observed in both age groups, while physi-
               cal benefits were more emphasized in adolescents. Social wellbeing emerged as
               a universal theme, indicating positive impacts on social identity, relationships
               and community connection. The cognitive benefits of increased focus and im-
               proved musical skills were evident across age groups. Overall, the comprehen-
               sive analysis reveals a rich tapestry of wellbeing dimensions influenced by cho-
               ral singing across diverse demographic groups.
                   For adolescents (n = 4), physical improvements in posture, controlled
               breathing and fitness were noted (Clift & Hancox, 2001; Acquah, 2016), along-
               side emotional benefits like mood enhancement and stress reduction (Clift &
               Hancox, 2001; Acquah, 2016). Cognitive benefits, including enhanced mu-
               sical skills and focused attention, were highlighted in two studies (Acquah,
               2016; Parker, 2014). Socially, positive impacts on social identity, friendships
               and teamwork were consistent themes across all adolescent-focused studies.
               Spiritual benefits, indicating a sense of connectedness and growth, were ex-
               plicitly addressed in two studies (Clift & Hancox, 2001; Acquah, 2016).
                   The other eight studies (n = 8) primarily involved adults as participants en-
               gaged in choral singing, exploring various dimensions of wellbeing: emotional,
               physical, psychological, social and cognitive. Three studies (n = 3) highlighted
               emotional wellbeing improvements, demonstrating reduced anxiety, stress relief
               and enhanced mood (Clift & Hancox, 2001; Livesey et al., 2012; Stewart & Lons-
               dale, 2016). Two studies (n = 2) emphasized physical benefits, including improved

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