Page 144 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 144

– Cognitive
             glasbenopedagoški zbornik ◆ letnik/volume 20 ◆ številka/number 40
                     Expression during the performance, musical skills – sight reading, vo-
                     cal technique, focused attention, brain stimulation
                        – Spiritual
                     Therapeutic, uplifting, spiritual growth
                        – Main finding
                     Generative mechanisms that were recognized: focused attention, deep
                     breathing, dedication, physical fitness, sharing and brain stimulation.
               3.  Parker (2014)
                   Study design: Qualitative
                   Data collection:
                        – Interviews
                        – 3 waves of data collection:
                          – 45 minute interviews with 15 choir members
                          – 13 students reviewed and gave feedback regarding the temporal
                          – and propositional statements
                   Key findings
                        – Psychological
                     Pride, acknowledgement and accomplishment, self-acceptance, at
                        – Social
                     Developing social identity, belonging to a group, part of a team, buil-
                     ding friendships, social sup<port
                        – Cognitive
                     Better singer, better music reader, creating skills
                        – Main finding
                     The grounded theory of social identity development revealed an eight-
                     -stage process.

               4.  Linnemann et al. (2017)
                   Study design: Quantitative
                   Data collection:
                        – MDMQ (Multidimensional Mood Questionnaire)
                        – Subjective stress (scale 0-100)
                        – Subscale PAS (Percieved Available Support) from the BSSS (Berlin
                        – Social Support Scales)
                   Key findings
                        – Psychological/emotional
                     Enhanced mood, more relaxed over time, less stress, feeling of calmness
                        – Social
                     Increased social contacts and interaction

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