Page 16 - Škrgat, Sabina. Ed. Forthcoming. Severe Astma Forum. Monograph Series. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 16
of Canadian medical laboratory in patients with coagulopathy.
technologists; p. 285-92. Poster session presented at: Annual
severe asthma forum Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate
See also: Course of the American Society of
books/NBK7267/ Emergency Radiology; 2006 Sep 27-30;
Washington, DC.
5: Papers and Poster Sessions Presented
at Meetings Paper/poster with optional limit to the
first six authors
Standard paper presented Boggi U, Del Chiaro M, Croce C, Gremmo
with a separate name for the conference
Patrias K. Computer-compatible writing F, Sgambelluri AF, Cappelli C, et
al. Mesenteric portal vein resection
and editing. Paper presented during pancreatectomy for ductal
at: Interacting with the digital adenocarcinoma of the pancreas:
environment: modern scientific is it worthwhile? Paper presented
publishing. 46th Annual Meeting of the at: 29th National Congress of the
Council of Science Editors; 2003 May Italian Association for the Study of
3-6; Pittsburgh, PA. the Pancreas (AISP); 2005 Sep 15-17;
Bologna, Italy.
Standard paper presented without
a separate name for the conference Paper/poster with sponsorship note
Thabet A. Clinical value of two serial Rosenberg SA. Human cancer

pulmonary embolism-protocol CT immunotherapy: progress and
studies performed within ten days. problems. Paper presented at: Cancer
Paper presented at: Annual Scientific Vaccines 2005: Barriers, Endpoints
Meeting and Postgraduate Course of & Opportunities; 2005 Oct 5-7; New
the American Society of Emergency York, NY. Conference sponsored by the
Radiology; 2006 Sep 27-30; Cancer Research Institute, New York.
Washington, DC.
See also:
Standard poster presented with a books/NBK7255/
separate name for the conference
Chasman J, Kaplan RF. The effects of 6: Web Pages

occupation on preserved cognitive Standard citation to a homepage
functioning in dementia. Poster session Complementary/Integrative Medicine
presented at: Excellence in clinical
practice. 4th Annual Conference of [Internet]. Houston: University of
the American Academy of Clinical Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center;
Neuropsychology; 2006 Jun 15-17; c2007 [cited 2007 Feb 21]. Available
Philadelphia, PA. from:
Standard poster presented without
a separate name for the conference Homepage with author(s)
Muto A, Funakubo K. Efficacy of Hooper JF. Psychiatry & the Law:

transarterial embolization using Forensic Psychiatric Resource
NBCA-LPD for acute arterial bleeding Page [Internet]. Tuscaloosa (AL):
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