Page 144 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 144
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 142 shows a 68% success rate (21 out of 31 companies are currently actively
participating). With the help of analysis of variance, in the coming
months we will identify those differences between individuals
and companies that are related to the intensity of participation in
campaigns and the implementation of planned activities. Discussion
and conclusions: Proper use of ePlatform enables improved support
and empowerment of workers and companies in changing workplace
and behaviours, leading to improved care for their own health and
prolongation of work activity. To maximize the impact, it is necessary
to identify approaches, activities and/or factors that motivate those
involved to participate and to change their health and wellbeing

Keywords: responsiveness, participation, CRM, measures, health

Despite numerous guidelines, strategies, projects, platforms and measures in
the field of workplace wellbeing, challenge remains how to awaken the inter-
ests of both workers and companies, as these measures do not bring immedi-
ate health or financial benefits. The reasons for this are multifaceted and reach
both at the level of the employee (lack of interest, ignorance, poor relationship
with the employer, ...), companies (inadequate organizational culture, values of
management, absence of age management, …), narrower and wider social envi-
ronment (social values, prevailing lifestyles and habits) and regulatory frame-
work (absence of subsidies or tax incentives supporting workplace wellbeing)
(Bal et al., 2011; Loeppke et al., 2013; WHO, 2020). In the STAR-VITAL project,
we are aware of the need to develop new approaches and systems for more ef-
fective take-up and retention of employees in health promotion programs and
healthy workplace measures, which are ultimately aimed at retaining an aging

In the STAR – VITAL project ( we
help companies free of charge in establishing, adapting and integrating con-
crete measures to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of employ-
ees in order to ensure sustainable and healthy workplaces - especially for old-
er employees (45+). Project activities are designed to enable an individualized
application of measures and identification and awakening of the interests of
both employees and managers. An important measure within the project is
the ePlatform, which works through the internet or e-mail and is adapted for
the use on mobile devices. ePlatform is an innovative approach to promote
and monitor the introduction of workplace wellbeing programmes for work-
ers and companies’ management in the fields of ergonomics and movement,
stress, communication, nutrition, managerial practices, sleep, absenteeism –
presentism and age management (STAR-VITAL, 2020).
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