Page 145 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 145
The purpose of this paper is to present the solution for more effective pro- star-vital project: factors for ensuring participation in health promotion programs 143
motion of employee participation in workplace wellbeing programs by using
appropriate IT solutions (ePlatform). We also present the factors that encour-
age or inhibit the participation and willingness of employees to change their
behaviours, related to ensuring health at work.

The ePlatform is based on a CRM (customer relationship management) solu-
tion, which basically enables a modern marketing approach for communicat-
ing and influencing purchase related behaviour. CRM is the strongest and the
most efficient approach in maintaining and creating relationships with cus-
tomers (Juneja, 2020). If many previous approaches and measures implement-
ed in Slovenia are based on pull approach, where the offered content passive-
ly waits for the potential interest of customers (e.g. Zrno zdravja, Čili za delo,
ASI…), the ePlatform on the other hand additionally brings a push approach,
in which employees segmented according to their identified needs are being
actively persuaded, stimulated and encouraged with tailored communication
campaigns to change their behaviour (ePrvak d.o.o., 2020).

The ePlatform enables: advanced personalized communication through
the internet and mobile devices, surveying via mobile devices, management of
GDPR forms, API data exchange, advanced user segmentation and advanced
statistics for monitoring communication and user interests. The wealth of da-
ta generated by the ePlatform also enables the identification of determinants
related to the intensity of workers’ and companies’ involvement in workplace
wellbeing measures: nature of work, exposure to health risk factors, current
lifestyle, company specifics, industry specifics, presence health problems, de-
mographic characteristics, etc.

In the absence of subsidies and direct financial incentives to employers or sup-
portive legislation, employers are the ones who largely moderate what will hap-
pen to workplace wellbeing programs or/and older employees in the workplace.
That is why the first activity within the ePlatform is the campaign aimed at a
company’s management. In the first wave, we included 31 companies out of the
planned 80, represented by 74 employees in different managerial positions.

The campaign for company managers consists of nine e-mails, that re-
cipients receive weekly. In case of their unresponsiveness (unread message),
the user automatically receives an encouragement message with a reminder.
The entire campaign lasts 56 days. The contents of the campaign follows the
steps to the successful implementation of the workplace wellbeing program in
the company: (1) presentation of steps in the process of establishing the work-
place wellbeing program, (2) implementation of a screening questionnaire on
the health of the company/employees, (3) identification of necessary measures
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