Page 146 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 146
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 144 and good practices through the analysis of the screening questionnaire and in-
troduction with the STAR-VITAL Wiki page (repository of 150+ known occu-
pational health promotion and workplace wellbeing measures), (4) elaboration
or supplementation of the existing health promotion plan, (5 and 6) adaptation
of already implemented measures, (7) introduction of change management and
(8) a system for monitoring the quality of the implementation of the workplace
wellbeing in the company. In the last step (9), we encourage the company to
celebrate the achieved goals on an ongoing basis.

The success rate of the campaign for the management at the time of writ-
ing (March 2020) reached 82% (23 active companies out of 28), while the latest
results (July 2020) show a 68% (21 active companies out of 31). The current av-
erage share of read e-mail content in the campaign for managers is 60%. All
STAR-VITAL measures are being evaluated by participants, ePlatform content
including. In ePlatform users numerically evaluate the content on a scale from
5 (highest score) to 1. The current satisfaction rating of the received content for
the managers is 4.5. It also needs to be mentioned that so far 25 companies or
869 employees have completed the screening questionnaire. We have already
included many of them in campaigns in the field of physical activity and ergo-
nomics, nutrition and stress.

In the STAR-VITAL project, we encourage stakeholders (companies and em-
ployees) to actively promote occupational health and wellbeing through vari-
ous channels. The greatest potential for constant communication and user pro-
motion is the ePlatform, which our analysis also confirms. The results indicate
a high share of user (company) activity, satisfaction with received content and a
satisfactory level of content readability. Campaign performance varies in time
(holiday leaves and events when emails are treated as SPAM). The situation re-
lated to COVID-19 also proved to be an important factor, pushing a significant
part of companies to face the challenges of stopping their operations and pro-
duction, which consequently meant a stalemate in workplace wellbeing activ-

Factors important for the successful introduction and implementation of
occupational/workplace health promotion and wellbeing, have already been ex-
plored by numerous authors (Archer, 2012; Bakker, 2015; Spence, 2015; Schmid
et al., 2017; Santos, 2019). In the STAR-VITAL project, based on the richness of
data monitored by the ePlatform (CRM system), we will upgrade these studies
and determine whether the readiness and level of active participation of stake-
holders (employees, companies) are also influenced by other, less researched
factors: line of business, management support in the implementation of health
promotion, company specifics, demographic characteristics, personal values of
health promoters and company management, awareness of expected benefits,
perceived level of (health) problems in employees or personnel problems in the
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