Page 103 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 103
ing in the remote area of Alpine Spaces and retention ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja | maintaining and promoting health
of workforce – stakeholders opinion

Andreja Mezinec, Monika Robnik, Ria Jagodic, Luka Kronegger,
Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš
National Institute of Public Health, Trubarjeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Objective: The world is experiencing a demographic shift and consequently
it is foreseen that proportion of older workers in the European Union will in-
crease during the next few decades. Demographic change constitutes a major
societal challenge that requires combined efforts from various stakeholders.
Active and healthy ageing (AHA) is a multidimensional concept that requires
combined and coordinated efforts between stakeholders, particularly in most-
ly rural and remote areas such as in the Alpine Space (AS). The Alpine Space
Transnational Governance of Active and Healthy Ageing (ASTAHG) project
aims to tackle this challenge.
Presentation of the content: NIJZ distributed a nationally developed online
survey which was further adapted for the purposes of ASTAHG to stakehold-
ers. Stakeholders from the selected municipalities of Gorenjska and Goriška
statistical regions were initially invited to participate in the survey. The survey
entailed a demographic description of stakeholders who participated in the
survey, with information on their regional residence, their organizational sta-
tus according to the “welfare triangle mix” and their involvement in topics con-
nected to AHA. One specific topic we want to present deeper relays on in-
centives needed to attract and retain the workforce. The specific question was
divided into two track: 1) Which of the following activities, in your opinion,
would most contribute to conservation of jobs for young people in remote ar-
eas? and 2) According to your organization, indicate which of the following ac-
tivities are already implemented in your place?
Among the factors that respondents believe would be most promising in main-
taining jobs for people are the issues of adequate housing, infrastructure, care
of older people and transportation with good transport links. Further, they
think that organized, varied and affordable offer of sports and cultural activi-
ties for young people and families within local communities and health promo-
tion programs are implemented to some extend. However, there is space for
improvement in every offered activity.
Conclusion: Demographic changes especially population ageing and urbaniza-
tion, are not favorable neither for rural areas of AS. Young people are increas-
ingly moving from rural areas to urban areas, services as post offices and banks
are closing. Consequently employment rates in rural areas is decreasing. To-
day’s technological advances enable modified jobs as one of the possibilities of
keeping the workforce in remote areas. What activities could contribute to at-
tracting younger workforce to remote areas was a challenge we wanted to re-
ceive from our stakeholders. Further, retention of workforce is influenced by
interventions in the field of health promotion, which we wish to explore in the
future. ASTAHG approach aims at cooperation between stakeholders on all
levels to work with successful AHA policies and to harvest synergies through
cooperation along all stages of the policy cycle.
Key words: Active and healthy ageing, rural areas, retention of workforce

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