Page 105 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 105
onomic assessment and load management interventions ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja | maintaining and promoting health
for selected workplaces in a steel factory

David Mlakar
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola, Slovenia

Introduction: Muscolo-skeletal disorders are often recognised as cosequeces
of hard physical labour and manual material handling. Even in modern times,
absence from work is not a rare occurance. It also draws along numerus finan-
cial expences, which represents a burden to employers, companies and socie-
ty. The aim of our work was to tailor a working enviroment, suited for work-
ers in a steel industry using ergonomic asessment tools.
Methods: Ergonomic eavluation was applied to two types of workstations, of
which dynamics of motion and external load varied. On the grinding station
grinding of metal casts was performed. Workers mainly carried out their work
in standing position, in intervals of 1 to 2 minutes, while handling 10 to 15 casts,
weighting 9 kilograms. On the second workstation, inspection of 1,2 kilogram
casts was performed by observing the interior structure on a monitor screen.
Workers mainly assumed sitting position in intervals of 5 minutes. Research
started with filming work cycles we previously determined by observing the
process. Later, evaluation of posture quality was applied using OWAS and RU-
LA assesment tools. After comparing results we also took workers’ percieved
level of strain in consideration. Information was gathered through a five stage
Results: Results acquired by OWAS indicated the most exposed segments of
workers were back and legs. Allusions were found that accumulation of time
spent in a bending back position and time spent sitting druging work could be
problematic, but final interpretation only sugested the urgecy of implementing
interventions is low. When adding RULA evaluation to the picture we found
that in certain subcycles during work, both groups were exposed to very un-
coftarble positions of lower back, wrists and neck.
Discussion and conclusions: Our research showed a dangerous level of load ex-
posure on both workstations. When combinig results of all three evaluation
tools, we found indications that a qucik intervention in the working enviroment
is necesary. Key component of workstation adaptation is to enable adjustable
work height. With grinders we suggest a combination of two-section contain-
ers and a simple lifting system. A sit-stand working bench is suggested at work-
stations where inspection of casts is done. General interventions include re-
placement of wore down wooden standing pads with ergonomic rubber pads,
replacement of protective gear and ensuring a better comunication between
workers and management. By looking into past research of interventions, which
proved effective, we designed an ergonomic intervention program that suggests
improvements in the field of working enviroment design, tools and protective
equipment, but also trains workers through daily exericse and education plan for
an increase in safety and health preservation. To determine the effectivness of
the program, a reasessment after its implemetation would be needed.
Key words: ergonomics, muskolo-skeletal disorders, manual material handling,
workload, interventions

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