Page 75 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 75
e interventions to support families and individuals in need ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja | maintaining and promoting health
Nataša Demšar Pečak
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Štukljeva 44,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
With this article, we want to emphasize the importance of free intervention
programs in empowering users to seek psychosocial help and support. The
purpose of article is to addresses the importance of a network of various pro-
grams to support families and individuals in need who face various life trials
and challenges and who need professional help because they cannot cope with
them. A major problem can be identified, for example, in the area of long wait-
ing periods for unpaid, therapeutic and psychosocial services. As a result, strat-
ification occurs, namely, only financially stronger families and individuals can af-
ford paid services. The paper will also present the importance of connecting
target groups by connecting non-governmental organizations that offer various
forms of assistance, awareness of the possibilities of their inclusion in programs
and especially information on the availability of psychosocial programs to help
families and individuals in need. The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs
and Equal Opportunities fund the programs. In 2019, Ministry co-financed 170
different social welfare programs, and based on public tenders in 2018-2020 it
co-finances 26 programs in support of the family, namely 11 providers of family
centres and 15 psychosocial assistance programs for children and adolescents.
Providers who have a valid verification or a valid positive opinion from the So-
cial Chamber of Slovenia can only provide appropriate assistance, psychosocial
counselling and accommodation. Also within the funds of the Operational Pro-
gramme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the peri-
od 2014-2020, the Ministry co-finances the Multigenerational Centres, which
are mutually complementary with the contents of the mentioned programs. In
addition to the tasks performed within the framework of public services, many
tasks are also successfully performed by non-governmental organizations that
take the initiative to provide various social welfare activities. It can be men-
tioned that in recent months many families are facing traumatic events and
losses due to the coronavirus disease pandemic 2019 (COVID-19), such as loss
of employment and consequent loss of social and economic security, loss of
health, possibly loss of loved ones, etc. Through these interventions, the state
wants to reach vulnerable groups and reduce inequalities in the accessibility of
such services in order to improve the possibility of equal access. Mentioned dif-
ferent programs can reduce various emotional distress and mental health dis-
orders, change inappropriate behaviour patterns, prevent violence, prevent
drug and alcohol abuse, improve family relationships, create social roles of the
individual, and support easier reconciliation of family and professional life.
Key words: psychosocial support, interventions, mental health, behavior
patterns, family relationships

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