Page 103 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 2. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 103
raba izbranih samostalnikov 1. ženske sklanjatve pri tujih študentih up
by the Senate of the University of Primorska to pass the A2 level examina-
tion for enrolment in the second year and are provided with free classes or-
ganized and implemented by the Centre for Slovene Language and Culture
at the Faculty of Humanities. With the increasing number of foreign stu-
dents at the University of Primorska and in line with the decision issued by
the Senate, there has also been a significant increase of students taking the
subject Slovene as a second/foreign language at levels from A1 to B1. When
learning a foreign language, especially a related one, we usually stem from
our first language, having a linguistic transfer that can be positive, as it al-
lows communication at an early stage of language learning, or negative, as
there are errors or deviations from the target language norm. The study
aimed at determining whether the students showed a negative language
transfer from Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Bosnian to Slovene and
if there were any differences between the speakers of the respective South
Slavic languages. Negative language transfer occurred practically in all cas-
es except the nominative of the singular and plural and in the accusative
of the plural. The obtained results or the recognized set of errors caused by
the negative language transfer will simplify the approach to the most prob-
lematic areas in learning Slovene grammar and ease the implementation of
certain methods and use of specific material.
by the Senate of the University of Primorska to pass the A2 level examina-
tion for enrolment in the second year and are provided with free classes or-
ganized and implemented by the Centre for Slovene Language and Culture
at the Faculty of Humanities. With the increasing number of foreign stu-
dents at the University of Primorska and in line with the decision issued by
the Senate, there has also been a significant increase of students taking the
subject Slovene as a second/foreign language at levels from A1 to B1. When
learning a foreign language, especially a related one, we usually stem from
our first language, having a linguistic transfer that can be positive, as it al-
lows communication at an early stage of language learning, or negative, as
there are errors or deviations from the target language norm. The study
aimed at determining whether the students showed a negative language
transfer from Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Bosnian to Slovene and
if there were any differences between the speakers of the respective South
Slavic languages. Negative language transfer occurred practically in all cas-
es except the nominative of the singular and plural and in the accusative
of the plural. The obtained results or the recognized set of errors caused by
the negative language transfer will simplify the approach to the most prob-
lematic areas in learning Slovene grammar and ease the implementation of
certain methods and use of specific material.