Page 99 - Hrobat Virloget, Katja, ur. 2021. Mitska krajina: iz različnih perspektiv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 99
Slika Rodika izpred dveh stoletij

easily causing them to ignore local knowledge, practices, characteristics and
The article demonstrates how, in the case of a micro-level study and with
a consistent critical approach, we can increase the source’s expressiveness
by integrating information from different cadastral protocols, forms and
maps. This way, hidden features of local reality come to the surface and we
obtain a deeper, more comprehensive insight. In this sense, the article re-
veals the boundaries between the visible, the virtual and the obscured in
the Franziscean cadastre. In this particular case, it turns out that natural re-
sources (woods, water) were richer and the forms of farming (intensity, crop
rotation) more complex than individual documents reported, and that the
community in Rodik was less peasant-like of the image given by the cadas-
tre officials. We may additionally signal the presence of modern food and
consumption items, such as maize, potatoes and tobacco.
Basing on the results of the first part, in the second part of the chapter his-
toriographic methods are used to verify the local oral tradition on which was
the oldest part of the village and what were its internal divisions. By com-
bining the analysis of the property on the oldest part of the arable lands
(which households had more of the original land) by using a simplified ver-
sion of Pleterski’s method, with wealth indicators (house structure, number
of animals), taken from the Franziscean cadastre, and using the support of
existing historical, archaeological and ethnographic literature, the author
tends to demonstrate that the originary village was located on the right or
the north side of the main village street (fig. 5).
In the closing remarks it is pointed out that, despite having seemingly iden-
tified as many as three overlapping possible sources of Rodik’s »ritual« di-
vision (spatial divide, origin of the village, wealth divide), we cannot com-
pletely rule out that in the Rodik case there was once a split within the com-
munity (based on division between rich and poor or between residents of
the older and newer part of the village, or not), which we do not know and
which resulted in internal division. This would be a topic for special research
if only written sources allowed it.

Slika Rodika od prije dva stoljeća: vidljivo, prividno i hipoteze
između povijesti i folklora

Poglavlje se bavi poviješću ruralnog područja Primorske kroz studiju slučaja
na primjeru sela Rodik. Prvi dio poglavlja usredotočen je na gospodarstvo,
društvo i okoliš početkom 19. stoljeća, a drugi na provjeru lokalne usmene
predaje o podrijetlu i strukturi naselja tijekom duljeg vremenskog razdoblja.
Rad se temelji na podacima i informacijama pridobivenim iz Franjevačkog
katastra, poznatog i cijenjenog izvora, osobito za povjesničare i geografe.
Odlikuje se iznimnim bogatstvom informacija koje po prvi put u povijesti
ovog prostora pružaju sustavni i detaljan uvid koji se temelji na standardizi-
ranim podacima u kartografskom, tekstualnom i numeričkom obliku. Zbog

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