Page 17 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 17
in memoriam prof. emeritus primož kuret, phd (1935–2022)

aged Slovenian and foreign musicologists to conduct research and expand
musicological horizons, but also showed how Slovenian music can find its
place on an equal footing alongside that from other parts of Europe.

As one of the greatest connoisseurs of Ljubljana’s musical history, he
gave many insights into the functioning of Ljubljana’s philharmonic soci-
eties and provided us with comprehensive knowledge of the young Gustav
Mahler and many other great figures in Ljubljana’s musical past. He was
the author of numerous monographs and editor of more than forty scholar-
ly publications. Among other things, he edited the publication of contribu-
tions to the International Musicological Symposium of the Slovenian Music
Days for three decades, whereupon it was succeeded in 2017 by the present
series of scholarly monographs (Studia musicologica Labacensia).

For his achievements, Prof. Kuret received some of the most prestig-
ious awards and accolades, among them the Betetto Award (2002), hon-
orary membership of the Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna (2002), the
Lifetime Achievement Award of the Republic of Slovenia for Work in Ed-
ucation (2005), the Herder Prize (2005), the Austrian Cross of Honour for
Science and Art, First Class for Merit in the Field of Musicology (2005), the
Mantuani Lifetime Achievement Award (2006), Honorary Membership of
the Slovenian Philharmonic (2008), and the Order of Merit of the Repub-
lic of Slovenia (2012).

Particular mention should be made of his intensive international field
of operation, which also led to many close contacts with colleagues from
some of the most eminent foreign universities. Unfortunately, some of them
have left us in recent years. He was particularly affected by the loss of his
good friend Prof. Peter Andraschke, who, along with Prof. Hartmut Kro-
nes from the University of Vienna, and Prof. Helmut Loos from the Uni-
versity of Leipzig, was one of his closest confidants. With them, he partic-
ipated at over 300 international symposia in Slovenia and abroad, and this
was also one of the ways in which he spread awareness of the place Slove-
nia’s music has in Europe.

He will undoubtedly be remembered as an outstanding colleague who
pursued the achievements of the profession to the end, as far as his health
permitted, and who contributed wherever necessary. Above all, he was
someone whose merits were far from being limited to Slovenia. His path,
then, seems to have been first and foremost that of a European musicolo-
gist. There is no doubt that our esteemed colleague Kuret, with his reputa-
tion and his far-reaching work, significantly enriched Slovenia’s musico-
logical community and musical culture in general. With his charisma and

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