Page 477 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 477

Nada Bezić
Similarities and differences: comparison of the Ljubljana
Glasbena matica and music societies in Zagreb:
Hrvatski glazbeni zavod [the Croatian Music Institute]
and Hrvatsko pjevačko društvo “Kolo”
[the Croatian Singing Society “Kolo”]
The leading music societies in Croatia and Slovenia in the period from the
first part of the 19th century until the end of the Second World War were in
Zagreb (Croatia) the Croatian Music Institute, founded in 1827 and the Cro-
atian Singing Society “Kolo”, founded in 1862, and in Ljubljana the Glasbe-
na matica, founded in 1872. They all have contributed to the musical and
cultural life of their towns respectively in organizing of concerts, activities
of music ensembles (choirs and orchestra), music education (music schools/
conservatories), music libraries, publishing works by Croatian and Slove-
nian composers, erecting buildings (with a concert hall), and taking care
for the heritage (memorials). The comparison of these three societies was
made according to the criteria: the basic information, the foundation, the
name, the activities, the members, the patrons, and the buildings. The so-
cieties shared similar destiny in the same state (Austrian Empire, Yugosla-
via), but the “Kolo” was abolished in 1948, while the other two survived un-
til today. The Glasbena matica recovered from the period after 1945 when its
only allowed activity was the choir, and hopefully the Croatian Music Insti-
tute will fully recover after the big earthquake in 2020.
Keywords: Hrvatski glazbeni zavod, Hrvatsko pjevačko društvo “Kolo”,
Glasbena matica Ljubljana, music society

Friedhelm Brusniak
Die Gründung des Deutschen Sängerbundes (DSB) 1862
und das „Österreich-Problem“: Anmerkungen zu neuen
Tendenzen in der historischen Chorforschung
Die Erinnerung an die Reichsgründung 1870/71 hat auch die verstärkte
Aufmerksamkeit auf die Bedeutung der Massenorganisationen der Tur-
ner, Sänger und Schützen in der Reichsgründungsära gelenkt. Als am 21.
September 1862 in Coburg der weltgrößte Chorverband im 19. Jahrhundert
Deutscher Sängerbund (DSB) gegründet wurde, beschlossen die Delegier-
ten eine folgenreiche Änderung in Paragraph 1 des Satzungsentwurfs. Da-
nach umfasste der Dachverband „die Sängerbünde Deutschlands und die
Sängerbünde und Männergesangvereine der im Auslande lebenden Deut-

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