Page 476 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 476
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo

Research into cultural and, above all, musical life in the 19th century is yet
to gain real momentum, and the concept behind this study is to lay the ini-
tial foundation for a more in-depth treatment of the topic.
Keywords: Trieste, music, Schillerverein, Slovenian societies, Italian

Matjaž Barbo
Alfred Khom, a diligent choirmaster, skilful composer
and experienced musician, torn between choral
and philharmonic endeavours
Born in Linz, Alfred Khom (1825–1893) worked in Ljubljana for a little over
a decade, where, according to his contemporaries, he established himself as
an experienced musician, skilled composer, and diligent choirmaster. He
worked as a singing teacher of the Philharmonic Society and choirmas-
ter of its male choir. We encounter him as an extremely active musician in
the Catholic Journeyman’s Society, and for a time he was also the organ-
ist at the Church of the Teutonic Order in Križanke in Ljubljana. He be-
came especially known through writing music for the theatre. He partici-
pated in the music for the much acclaimed settings of the play Die muthigen
Weiber von Veldes by Ludvik Germonik, both in the original German and
in the two Slovenian translations by A. Umek Okiški and L. Prešeren (Po­
gumne Gorenjke and Serčne Blejke). His work, based in part on Slovenian
folk songs, was well received and was successfully performed even after his
departure from Ljubljana. In his later years in Vienna, he maintained con-
tacts with Carniola, which he undoubtedly left a strong mark on with his
work, both professionally and as an amateur.
Khom died in 1893 in Simmering near Vienna. Only a few years after the
composer’s death, his works were performed on concert stages. Later,
Khom’s music would disappear from the concert programs, and thus the
memory of one of the important co-creators of the Slovenian musical past
Keywords: Alfred Khom, Philharmonic Society in Ljubljana (Philharmo­
nische Gesellschaft in Laibach), 19th Century, Male choral singing, Sloveni-
an music

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