Page 500 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 500
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo
Nada Bezić (
is since 1988 head of the library in the Croatian Music Institute (CMI) in
Zagreb (Croatia). She got her doctorate in 2011 in musicology at the Acad-
emy of Music in Zagreb, and graduated in librarianship at the Faculty of
Philosophy in Zagreb. Her main fields of research are the history of the
CMI and musical life and musical topography of Zagreb in the 19th and 20th
centuries. Books: Glazbena topografija Zagreba od 1799. do 2010.: Prostori
muziciranja i spomen-obilježja (2012), Glazbene šetnje Zagrebom (2016), Te
matski popis skladbi Blagoja Berse (2018).
Friedhelm Brusniak (
Studium Schulmusik, Geschichte und Musikwissenschaft in Frankfurt am
Main, 1. und 2. Staatsexamen für Schulmusik (1977/1980), Promotion (1980),
Habilitation (1998). Seit 1981 Musikwissenschaftler und Musikpädagoge in
Augsburg, Erlangen-Nürnberg und Heidelberg, seit 1999 Professor und von
2004 bis 2019 erster Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Musikpädagogik an der Uni-
versität Würzburg. 2011 bis 2015 sowie 2021 Gastprofessor an der Akademia
Pomorska w Słupsku (Polen). Seit 2018 Präsident des Fränkischen Sänger-
bundes (FSB), Präsidiumsmitglied des Deutschen Chorverbandes (DCV)
und Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des „Forschungszentrum des Deutschen
Chorwesens an der Universität Würzburg“, seit 2022 Präsidiumsmitglied
des Bayerischen Musikrates (BMR). Forschungsschwerpunkte: Geschichte
der musikalischen Bildung, historische Chorforschung.
Miroslaw Dymon (
Habilitated doctor, Professor at the University of Rzeszów (Poland), direc-
tor of the Institute of Music at the University of Rzeszów, music therapist,
music performer. The area of scientific and research interests concerns is-
sues related to the broadly understood psycho-pedagogical determinants
of music education, psychology of creativity, psychology of music and the
history of music. The scientific and research achievements to date include a
number of scientific publications, including over 80 articles and two mono-
graphs. In addition to scientific activities, he is also active as a chamber mu-
sician in the Subcarpathian Accordion Quintet “AMBITUS V”.
Manja Flisar Šauperl (
studied music pedagogy and musicology at the Faculty of Education of the
University of Maribor and graduated with the thesis “Koncertna dejavnost
Glasbene matice v Mariboru (1919–1948)” under the supervision of Associ-
Nada Bezić (
is since 1988 head of the library in the Croatian Music Institute (CMI) in
Zagreb (Croatia). She got her doctorate in 2011 in musicology at the Acad-
emy of Music in Zagreb, and graduated in librarianship at the Faculty of
Philosophy in Zagreb. Her main fields of research are the history of the
CMI and musical life and musical topography of Zagreb in the 19th and 20th
centuries. Books: Glazbena topografija Zagreba od 1799. do 2010.: Prostori
muziciranja i spomen-obilježja (2012), Glazbene šetnje Zagrebom (2016), Te
matski popis skladbi Blagoja Berse (2018).
Friedhelm Brusniak (
Studium Schulmusik, Geschichte und Musikwissenschaft in Frankfurt am
Main, 1. und 2. Staatsexamen für Schulmusik (1977/1980), Promotion (1980),
Habilitation (1998). Seit 1981 Musikwissenschaftler und Musikpädagoge in
Augsburg, Erlangen-Nürnberg und Heidelberg, seit 1999 Professor und von
2004 bis 2019 erster Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Musikpädagogik an der Uni-
versität Würzburg. 2011 bis 2015 sowie 2021 Gastprofessor an der Akademia
Pomorska w Słupsku (Polen). Seit 2018 Präsident des Fränkischen Sänger-
bundes (FSB), Präsidiumsmitglied des Deutschen Chorverbandes (DCV)
und Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des „Forschungszentrum des Deutschen
Chorwesens an der Universität Würzburg“, seit 2022 Präsidiumsmitglied
des Bayerischen Musikrates (BMR). Forschungsschwerpunkte: Geschichte
der musikalischen Bildung, historische Chorforschung.
Miroslaw Dymon (
Habilitated doctor, Professor at the University of Rzeszów (Poland), direc-
tor of the Institute of Music at the University of Rzeszów, music therapist,
music performer. The area of scientific and research interests concerns is-
sues related to the broadly understood psycho-pedagogical determinants
of music education, psychology of creativity, psychology of music and the
history of music. The scientific and research achievements to date include a
number of scientific publications, including over 80 articles and two mono-
graphs. In addition to scientific activities, he is also active as a chamber mu-
sician in the Subcarpathian Accordion Quintet “AMBITUS V”.
Manja Flisar Šauperl (
studied music pedagogy and musicology at the Faculty of Education of the
University of Maribor and graduated with the thesis “Koncertna dejavnost
Glasbene matice v Mariboru (1919–1948)” under the supervision of Associ-