Page 501 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 501

ate Prof. Edo Škulj, PhD. She holds a master’s degree from the Academy of
Music, University of Ljubljana. Her master’s thesis “Razvoj srednje glasbene
in baletne šole v Mariboru” was supervised by Honorary Professor Dr. Pri-
mož Kuret. At the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ljubljana, she
obtained her Doctor’ degree with the thesis “Delovanje mariborske glas-
bene matice (1919–1945)” under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr.
Aleš Nagode. In her research work she is mainly devoted to topics from the
history of music in Maribor. She has been active in the field of primary ed-
ucation for more than two decades and holds currently the post of the prin-
cipal at Angel Besednjak Primary School in Maribor.

Luba Kijanovska (
Born in Lviv. Musicologist, professor, head of the department of history of
music at National Lysenko Music Academy in Lviv
Mrs. Kyyanovska studied theory and history of music at State Lysenko Con-
servatory of Music in Lviv. Since 1987 she has taught at National Lysenko
Music Academy in Lviv, since 1991 as head of the department of history of
music. Since 1995 she has been a member of the international research pro-
ject “Musikgeschichte in Mittel-und Osteuropa” (Leipzig University, Ger-
many). She revives the forgotten names of Ukrainian musical culture and
promotes Ukrainian music in Europe.

Darja Koter (
is full professor at the Academy of Music of Ljubljana University. Research
works on various topics like history of musical instruments, music iconog-
raphy, music performing, music education, and about works of compos-
ers. Collaboration in research projects of the University of Bonn and of the
University of Ljubljana. Monographs: Glasbilarstvo na Slovenskem (2001,
2004), Musica coelestis et musica profana. Glasbeni motivi v likovni ded­
iščini od severne Istre do Vremske doline (2008), Slovenska glasba 1848–1918
(2012), Slovenska glasba 1918–1991 (2012), 90 let Glasbene šole Slavka Osterca
Ljutomer (2018); Akademija za glasbo 80 let (2020). In the year 2014, she has
received the Mantuani award.

Hartmut Krones (
studierte Musikerziehung, Germanistik, Gesang, Gesangspädagogik sow-
ie Musikwissenschaft, unterrichtet seit 1970 an der Hochschule (1998 Uni-
versität) für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien und leitete bis September
2013 das „Institut für Musikalische Stilforschung“ (Abteilungen „Stilkunde

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