Page 188 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 188
glasbena interpretacija ... | music interpretation ...
Second, corpus linguistics facilitates the identification of linguistic
and thematic patterns within the musicological literature. By examining
word frequencies, collocations, and concordances, it enables the discovery
of prevalent themes, stylistic features, and discourse structures. This ana-
lytical capability is crucial for uncovering trends and shifts in the scholarly
discourse of Slovenian musicology.
Third, the quantitative nature of corpus analysis allows for objective
measurement of linguistic phenomena, enhancing the reliability and repro-
ducibility of the findings. This objectivity is essential for ensuring that the
study’s conclusions are based on empirical evidence rather than subjective
interpretation. The reproducibility of results also strengthens the study’s
validity within the academic community.
Furthermore, corpus linguistics complements the meta-analytical ap-
proach used in this study. While meta-analysis synthesizes findings across
studies, corpus linguistics analyzes the language of the studies themselves.
This dual approach enriches the research by providing both a synthesis of
content and an analysis of linguistic expression. By integrating these meth-
odologies, the study offers a more comprehensive understanding of the mu-
sicological literature.
Lastly, corpus linguistics provides insights into the disciplinary dis-
course of musicology. It enables the exploration of how musicologists con-
struct knowledge and engage with scholarly debates, shedding light on the
conventions and evolutions within the discipline’s discourse. Understand-
ing these aspects is vital for mapping the intellectual landscape of Sloveni-
an musicology and identifying emerging areas of interest.
Advantages of A Data-Driven Approach
The application of corpus linguistics in this study offers several significant
advantages. Firstly, it enhances efficiency in data processing. Automated
text analysis enables the handling of extensive datasets that would be im-
practical to analyze manually. Given the substantial number of articles
from multiple journals, corpus linguistic tools facilitate systematic exam-
ination and allow for comprehensive analysis without the prohibitive time
investment that manual methods would require.
11 Biber, Conrad, and Reppen, Corpus Linguistics.
12 Susan Hunston, Corpora in Applied Linguistics (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2002),