Page 192 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 192
glasbena interpretacija ... | music interpretation ...
identification of trends and patterns in musicological research. Addition-
ally, the large volume of articles analyzed necessitates efficient data process-
ing methods; corpus linguistics facilitates handling and analyzing exten-
sive textual data effectively.
By employing a meta-analytical approach within a corpus-linguistic
framework, this study aims to map the intellectual landscape of Sloveni-
an musicology, providing a comprehensive overview of the country’s mu-
sicological scholarship. It highlights key developments, influential themes,
and emerging areas of interest, thereby informing future research by iden-
tifying gaps or underexplored topics in the literature. This approach con-
tributes to the advancement of musicological research and demonstrates
methodological innovation by showcasing the applicability of combining
meta-analysis with corpus linguistics in humanities research. The study
has the potential to inspire similar interdisciplinary methodologies in oth-
er fields.
Selection of Journals and Corpus Compilation
The study focuses on four prominent Slovenian musicological journals:
Muzikološki zbornik, De musica disserenda, Glasbenopedagoški zbornik,
and Studia musicologica labacensia. These journals were selected due to
their significant contributions to the field of musicology in Slovenia and
their availability in digital format. Including all available online issues en-
sures a comprehensive dataset that reflects a wide temporal range and a di-
versity of scholarly works within Slovenian musicology. 25
Data Collection and Preparation
All articles from the selected journals were downloaded in PDF format
from their respective online archives. PDFs are a common format for dig-
ital documents; however, they often present challenges for textual analy-
sis due to their fixed-layout nature and potential encoding issues. To facil-
itate effective corpus analysis, it was necessary to convert these PDFs into
plain text files.
23 Baker, Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis.
24 Biber, Conrad, and Reppen, Corpus Linguistics.
25 All articles used in this study are publicly available academic publications. The anal-
ysis was conducted solely for scholarly purposes, respecting the intellectual proper-
ty rights of authors and publishers. Data handling procedures complied with ethical
guidelines for research, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the data.