Page 40 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 40
stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 38 certoške fibule ter temnomodra steklena jagoda z belo 5th century BC, and grave number 5 from the Valle Tre-
valovnico (Teržan et alii 1984, T. 13, F., 1985, 58). ba necropolis of Spina, where the rhyton of the Painter
from Eretria was dated to the period around 425 BC.
Če povzamemo, nam pravzaprav fibule s štirimi pav- Cast kettledrum fibulae represent a rare element in
kami ne nudijo dobrih okvirjev za njihovo datiranje, territory south of the Alps. Taking into account both
kar pomeni, da se lahko naslonimo zgolj na datacije fi- the tradition of research as well as the cultural history
bul iz skupine A. Pred skoraj dvema desetletjema je A. of the fifth century BC, it appears that they represent
M. Adam opozorila, da lahko za datiranje tega tipa fi- a local form of jewelry developed under the influence
bul uporabimo predvsem dva groba oziroma zaprta of the penetration of technological innovations and
konteksta – grob 1484 iz Mosta na Soči z uvrstitvijo aesthetic elements from the Western Hallstatt cultur-
v stopnjo Sv. Lucija IIb, kar bi pomenilo sredino ozi- al circle. A. M. Adam, therefore, considered the fibula
roma tretjo četrtino 5. stoletja, ter grob 5 z nekropole from Mechel, which was discovered at the very begin-
Valle Treba v Spini, kjer lahko riton Slikarja iz Eretrie ning of the alleged spread channels due to its specific
datiramo v čas okoli 425 BC. Dejstvo je, da predsta- design, this having a larger timpani on the bow and a
vljajo ulite pavkaste fibule na področju južno od Alp smaller and more spherical timpani on the foot, a pro-
redek element. Upoštevajoč tako tradicijo raziskav totype from which further development of this form
kot tudi kulturno zgodovino petega stoletja pred na- of fibulae in territory south of the Alps was conducted
šim štetjem, kaže, da predstavljajo lokalne oblike naki- (Adam 1983). A larger number of fibulae of both vari-
ta, ki so bile razvite pod vplivom prodora tehnoloških ants in Most na Soči, their presence in rich as well as
inovacij in estetskih elementov iz zahodnega halštat- more modest graves, and the distribution of individu-
skega kroga. Tako je A. M. Adam fibulo iz Mechla, al fibulae in the southeastern pre-Alpine area suggest
ki je bila odkrita prav na začetku domnevne poti šir- that it is likely that the latter site could be defined as
jenja, zaradi njene specifične oblikovanosti, to je več- one, if not the main center of production for this type
je pavke na loku ter manjših in bolj kroglastih pavk na of fibulae. An important site that also yielded a larger
nogi, pojmovala kot prototip, iz katerega je vodil na- quantity of these fibulae was certainly the large center
daljnji razvoju te oblike fibul na prostoru južno od Alp from the late Hallstatt period in Dolenjska-Magda-
(Adam 1983). Večja količina fibul obeh variant v Mo- lenska Gora (Tecco Hvala 2012, 352-361). The Dra-
stu na Soči, njihova prisotnost tako v bogatih kot tudi va River corridor, representing the main direction of
skromnejših grobovih ter razširjenost posameznih fi- communication between the central Alps and the
bul v jugovzhodno-predalpskem prostoru kažejo, Pannonian Plain, should be thirdly positioned due to
da lahko najverjetneje prav slednje najdišče pojmuje- its historical importance and illustration of commu-
mo kot enega, če ne že poglavitni center proizvodnje
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