Page 43 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 43
omka ostenij kaneliranih posod z visoko vsebno- Jevremov 2010, 196-198, Fig. 4, 3). However, due to its

stjo grafita ter odlomek lonca z odebeljenim ustjem, manufacturing techniques, form and especially deco-

uvrstila v pozno latensko obdobje (Tomanič Jevremov ration style, it can be assumed that the fragment is old-

2010, 196–198; Sl. 4, 3). Vendar pa zaradi njegove teh- er (Kavur 2014, 16-17).

nike izdelave, oblike ter predvsem okrasa vtisnjenih This is a fragment of a type of hand-built vessels made
krožcev na ramenu lahko domnevamo, da je odlomek out of pottery mass having a high level of admixture
starejši (Kavur 2014, 16–17). of graphite, as noticeable on the shoulder decorat-

Gre za odlomke posod izdelane prostoročno iz lon- ed with impressions. Most of these impressions were naselbina na robu ... ■ the settlement on the edge ... 41

čarske mase z visoko vsebnostjo primesi grafita, ki so produced by fingers or larger awls, but were also some-

na ramenu okrašeni z vtisi. Večinoma gre za vtise pr- times simply impressed circles. Such fragments are

stov ali večjega šila, včasih pa tudi za vtise krogov. To- known from Czech sites such as Horan, Bystřany in

vrstni odlomki so poznani s čeških najdišč kot so Prosetice (Budinský 1992, Tab. VII, 1; Tab. XXXI, 2, 4,

Hořani, Bystřany in Prosetice in (Budinský 1992, Tab. Tab. XLVI, 5) and Radovesice (Waldhauser 1993, 280)

VII, 1; Tab. XXXI, 2, 4; Tab. XLVI, 5), Radovesice and from Austrian sites. They belong to the group of

(Waldhauser 1993, 280) ter iz najdišč v Avstriji. Gre za hand-built pots which, during the processing of set-

skupino prostoročno izdelanih loncev, ki jih je pri ob- tlement finds from the site of Inzersdorf-Walpers-

delavi naselbinskih najdb z najdišča Inzersdorf-Wal- dorf in Lower Austria by Peter Ramsl, were defined as

persdorf v spodnji Avstriji Peter Ramsl opredelil kot a group with vertical edge and remodeled mouth and

skupino loncev z vertikalnim robom ter preoblikova- divided into two groups according to the presence or

nim ustjem ter jih razdelil v dve podskupini glede na absence of graphite in the pottery’s mass. Most simi-

prisotnost oziroma odsotnost grafita v lončarski masi larly shaped pots had the shoulder decorated with an

iz katere so bili lonci izdelani. Večina podobno obliko- applied segmented rib. We must, however, stress that

vanih loncev je imela rame okrašeno z apliciranim čle- the vessels from pit SE 266 dated by the author to the

njenim rebrom, pri čemer lahko na omenjenem najdi- end of the Early Iron Age represent the younger ho-

šču izpostavimo posode iz jame SE 266, ki jo je avtor rizon of the first phase of settlement (Ramsl 1998, 21,

datiral v konec starejše železne dobe oziroma v mlaj- 45). On the other hand, as a means of comparison, we

ši horizont prve faze poselitve najdišča (Ramsl 1998, can present the three lines of impressions decorating

21, 45). Na drugi strani lahko kot paralelo za okras iz- a small situla-shaped pot from pit SE 769 in Walpers-

postavimo zgolj posode s tremi vrstami vtisov okrašen dorf Nord (Ramsl 1998, Taf. 70, 536). Due to the pres-

manjši lonček situlaste oblike iz jame 769 z dela najdi- ence of pottery produced on a fast-spinning potter’s

šča Walpersdorf Nord (Ramsl 1998, Taf. 70, 536). Večji wheel, the larger irregularly shaped pit was dated by
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