Page 44 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 44
stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 42 vkop nepravilnih oblik je avtor na podlagi prisotnosti the author to the early part of the second phase of set-
na hitro vrtečem se lončarskem kolesu datiral v starej- tlement, which he equates to Lt A (Ramsl 1998, 45).
ši del druge faze poselitve, ki jo enači z Lt A (Ramsl
1998, 45). Individual finds discovered in Ptuj can serve for us as
metaphors for the fragmentarily preserved and known
Posamezni najdbi, odkriti na Ptuju, nam služita za me- archaeological record. Roman, Medieval and modern
tafori fragmentiranosti ohranjenega in poznanega ar- construction activity in the area of t​ oday’s town thor-
heološkega zapisa. Rimskodobna, srednjeveška in mo- oughly damaged or removed traces of previous settle-
derna gradbena dejavnost je na področju današnjega ments that can now be reconstructed solely on the ba-
mesta temeljito poškodovala in premestila sledove sis of individual items, reflecting all the little things
predhodnih poselitev, sledove, ki jih lahko danes re- that count when writing cultural history. Addition-
konstruiramo zgolj na podlagi posameznih predme- ally, if the bronze kettledrum fibula from Mali Grad
tov – vseh majhnih stvari, ki štejejo pri pisanju kultur- indicates that settlement in Ptuj had occurred in the
ne zgodovine. In če nam bronasta pavkasta fibula iz 5th century BC at the end of trading contacts spread-
Malega gradu kaže, da se je naselbina na Ptuju v 5. sto- ing from the Late Hallstatt centers of northern Ita-
letju nahajala na koncu dometa trgovskih stikov izvi- ly, Posočje and Dolenska, then the pottery fragment
rajočih iz poznohalštatskih centrov severne Italije, Po- from Turnirski Prostor demonstrates that at the end
sočja in Dolenjske, potem nam odlomek keramike s of the 5th century BC the influence of centers of devel-
Turnirskega prostora pokaže, da se je ob koncu 5. sto- opment in eastern La Tène style were present in the
letja do področja današnjega Ptuja že razširil vpliv sre- area of t​​oday’s Ptuj. These contacts and the paths by
dišč razvoja vzhodnega latenskega sloga. Ti stiki, ozi- which they took place became the corridor that East-
roma poti po katerih so potekali, bodo v sredini 4. ern Celts followed when arriving as first new immi-
stoletja postali koridor po katerem se bodo na pros- grants to the area of ​e​ astern Slovenia in mid-4th cen-
tor vzhodne Slovenije priselili prvi novi priseljenci – tury BC.
vzhodni Kelti.
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