Page 45 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 45
adnji stiki z zahodom
Last Contacts with the West

Š Te do nedavnega je bila fibula tipa Münsingen edi- 43
ni predmet, ki bi ga morda lahko povezali s sta-
rejšelatensko poselitvijo področja Ptuja. Posa- he Münsingen-type fibula was until recently
the only item that could possibly be associat-
ed with Early La Tène settlement in the Ptuj
mezni avtorji navajajo, da je bila najverjetneje odkrita area. Individual authors stated that it was most proba-
na področju Ptuja in se je nahajala že v predvojni in- bly discovered in this area and was mentioned already
ventarni knjigi Herberstainove zbirke, kjer najdišče si- in the pre-war inventory book from Herberstein’s col-
lection, in which the site of discovery was not stated
cer ni bilo navedeno, nahajala pa se je med predmeti, differently, although it was listed between artifacts de-
izvirajočimi s Panorame (Tomanič-Jevremov, Guštin rived from Panorama hill (Tomanič-Jevremov, Guš-
1996). Gre za manjšo fibulo z masivnim odebeljenim tin 1996). It is a smaller fibula with a massive thickened
lokom polkrožne oblike in okroglega preseka. Ima bow of semicircular shape and a round cross-section.
ohranjeno samostrelno peresovino s tremi navoji in Preserved is a crossbow spring with three coils, with
iglo, tetiva pa žal manjka. Krajša noga je na delu, kjer se its pin unfortunately missing. The shorter leg is on the
vanjo prilega igla, okrašena s poševnimi vrezi. Na lok part where the pin fits in and is decorated with oblique
prislonjena noga je razširjena s predrto ovalno ploš- incisions. The bow-leaning leg is extended with a
čico s prirezanimi robovi, ki se zaključuje v manjšem punctured oval plate with cut edges ending in a small

palmetastem izrastku (Slika 10). palmette-shaped projection (Figure 10).

Pri klasifikaciji fibul tipa Münsingen je Frank Roy In his classification of Münsingen-type fibulae, Frank
Hodson podobne primere uvrstil v tretjo, najmlajšo Roy Hodson attributed similar examples to the third
skupino fibul z diskom, okrašenim z emajlom (Hod- and youngest group of fibulae with a disc decorated
son 1998). Gre za obliko fibul, ki se pojavljajo koncen- with enamel (Hodson 1998). It is a form of fibulae that
trirano na treh območjih – na prostoru severozahod- appear concentrated in three areas: in ​n​ orthwestern
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