Page 115 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 115
izvedba koja koristi nekoliko tehnoloških vještina, a the south-eastern Alpine area of S​ lovenia. All in all, the povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 115
zapravo obilježava zahtjeve naručitelja i tehničke mo- partly preserved helmet from Krk, unlike other known
gućnosti izrađivača koji je trebao slijediti zadane ideje. examples, demonstrates the existence of a local work-
Zbog toga se krčku kacigu ne može izričito opredijeli- shop, i.e. manufacturer who created according to the
ti nekom od dosad poznatih tipova negovskih kaciga. explicit orders. This could be observed through the use
of several technological skills, but in fact marks the re-
Kao takav, nalaz vojne opreme iz Krka mogao bi se quirements of the client in combination with technical
vrlo predvidljivo uklopiti u horizont ratničkih grobo- capabilities of the maker who was supposed to follow
va kraja 5. i početnog 4. st. pr. Kr. te datacijski uže odre- the given idea. Therefore the helmet from Krk can’t be
diti vremenskom distancom uporabe grčkih knemida explicitly attributed to a previously known type of Ne-
mlađeg tipa. Kulturološki se, međutim, mogu izdvoji- gova helmet.
ti neke poveznice koje su nedvojbeno bile dijelom pro- As such, the discovery of military equipment from Krk
mjena, a promicane modom i praksom na iznimnom could be very predictable blended into the horizon of
području. Ponajprije, čvrste naznake u povezivanju warrior graves from the end of the 5th and the initial 4th
prostora Tirola i Kvarnera postoje, osobito dobro po- cent. BC and more precisely dated according to the use
tvrđene raskošnim primjercima kacige Sanzeno tipa of Greek greaves of a younger type. Culturally howev-
i situle iz Nezakcija.211 Nadalje, na Kvarneru su se po- er, can be demonstrated several links that have been un-
jedini društveni fenomeni tradicionalno i uhodano doubtedly a part of the changes promoted by the fash-
ispreplitali s jugoistočnim alpskim prostorom, a ta je ion and practice on the exceptional territory. First of all
interakcija već mnogostruko dokazivana i dokazana. there are firm indications of connections between the
U pokušaju shvaćanja odnosa unutar samog kvarner- areas of Tyrol and Kvarner, particularly well confirmed
skog prostora, nalaz vojne opreme iz Krka iznimno with luxurious specimens of a helmet of Sanzeno type
je vrijedan svjedok o jednoj sasvim neuobičajenoj ali and situla from Nesactium.211 Furthermore, in the
mjesnoj pojavi toga vremena! Kvarner region the individual social phenomena were
traditionally linked to the south-eastern Alpine ter-
Vojna oprema iz Osora ritory – this interaction was already being proved and
confirmed many times. In an attempt to understand-
Negovska kaciga ing the relationships within the Kvarner area, the dis-
covery of military equipment from Krk is an extremely
Napokon, iz starih istraživanja osorske Kavanele po- valuable witness of quite unusual but regional phenom-
tječu i četiri manja ulomka brončane kacige (sl. 44).212 enon of that time!
Od njih samo jedan, i to ulomak plašta kalote, ima na
211 Mihovilić 1996, 47-48, 55; Mihovilić 2013, 256, sl. 177.
211 Mihovilić 1996, 47-48, 55; Mihovilić 2013, 256, sl. 177.
212 Blečić Kavur 2014a, 26.
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