Page 111 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 111
bilo prilično linearno i/ili pojednostavljeno viđeno u frequent in his southern spreading (Fig. 43). The clas- povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 111
prevladavanju tzv. modnog, vojnog, trenda onoga vre- sic interpretation of this situation is usually pretty lin-
mena, lišenog obilježja »etničkih« ili kulturnih sku- ear and/or simplified in the perspective of the so-called
pina.203 Vojnički standard, međutim, nije svugdje bio domination of fashionable, military, trends of the peri-
istoznačan i primjenjiv kod svih jednosmjerno. Tako od devoid of any »ethnic« or cultural groups.203 Mil-
se i u tom spletu ističu vrijednosti pojedinih regija s nji- itary standard, however, has not always been synony-
hovim mjesnim obilježjima, a unutar njih oni s toč- mous and applicable in all societies. Consequently in
no normiranom vojnom hijerarhizacijom. Neospor- this context stand out individual regions with their lo-
na činjenica jest, kako nije svaki ratnik bio opremljen cal characteristics, and within them those with exact-
punom vojnom panoplijom, posebice obrambenog ly standardized military hierarchisation. The fact is that
naoružanja, da ona nije uvijek prispijevala u grob po- not every warrior was equipped with full military pan-
jedinca koji ju je nosio i da je mogla biti priložena i u oply, especially consisting of defence weapons, and that
ženskim grobovima. Sve u svemu, kada se podrobni- it was not always deposited in to the grave of the de-
je vrednuju svi dosad prikupljeni podatci, dakako, bez ceased who used it, not to ignore the fact that it could
detaljnijeg obzira na tipološku i time kronološku vri- have been deposited even in female graves. All in all,
jednost, na cjelokupnom rasprostiranju grčkih kne- when evaluating in detail all the data collected so far,
mida i negovskih kaciga ustanovljen je samo mali broj of course, without detailed regards of typological and
grobova koji je pokazao spregu i kompoziciju ta dva, chronological value, on the general distribution area
po izvorniku različita elementa vojne opreme. of Greek greaves and Negova helmets was discovered
only a small number of graves which showed the inter-
Sjedinjenje upravo navedenih dijelova vojne opreme face and the composition of the two, by their origins
poznato je naime i s Kvarnera, a potječe iz nekropole dissimilar elements of military equipment.
Šinigoj u gradu Krku (sl. 42).204 Nalaz predstavlja zasad The unification of above mentioned element of mil-
unicum na čitavom prostoru istočnojadranskog prio- itary equipment is known from Kvarner – it comes
balja, a time i posebnu dragocjenost u istraživanju toga from the necropolis Šinigoj in the town of Krk (Fig.
fenomena. Važno je istaknuti kako par brončanih 42).204 The discovery represents at the moment a uni-
knemida pripada mlađoj varijanti tzv. grčkih knemi- cum on the entire eastern Adriatic coast, and thus a spe-
da koje na bočnim stranama imaju plastično izveden cial valuable for studying this phenomenon. It is im-
ukras trostruke »S« linije. One dekorativno slijede portant to point out that the pair of bronze greaves
liniju lista, iako funkcionalno pojačavaju čvrstoću li-

203 Teržan 1977, 9-10; Teržan 1995, 85-86; Egg 1999, 119-120. 203 Teržan 1977, 9-10; Teržan 1995, 85-86; Egg 1999, 119-120.
204 Balen-Letunić 1991-92, 21-34; Balen-Letunić 2001, 32-33; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 204 Balen-Letunić 1991-92, 21-34; Balen-Letunić 2001, 32-33; Blečić Kavur 2014a,

20; usp. Buršić-Matijašić 2011, 10-11. 20; cf. Buršić-Matijašić 2011, 10-11.
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