Page 118 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 118
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 118 sebi izveden prepoznatljiv ukras friza jelovih grančica i Military equipment from Osor
koncentričnih kružića (sl. 44A-45). Izveden tehnikom
žigosanja, manirom i stilom izradbe u potpunosti od- Negova helmet
govara najbližem primjerku kacige kakvog poznaje-
mo iz istarskog Nezakcija. Ta je kaciga pripisana grupi Finally, from the old research of Osor Kavanela orig-
negovskih kaciga slovenskog tipa, tj. jednoj od lokal- inate four smaller fragment of a bronze helmet (Fig.
nih varijanti koja se izrađivala na prostoru Dolenjske.213 44).212 Of these only one, and this is fragment of the
Srodnu paralelu možemo stoga vidjeti i kod lijepog calotte, has a distinctive decoration strips in the form
primjerka kacige iz Stične, Radohova vas.214 Negovske of fir twigs and concentric circles (Fig. 45). Manufac-
kacige navedene varijante bile su rasprostranjene na ši- tured with the technique of stamping, in its manner
rem području jugoistočnog alpskog prostora današnje and style of manufacture perfectly fits the nearest ex-
Slovenije, a smještaju se u vrijeme od sredine 5. do u 4. ample of a helmet know from the Istrian Nesactium.
st. pr. Kr., odnosno u negovski horizont Dolenjske, po This helmet was attributed to the group of Slovenian
kojima je i dobio ime.215 type Negova helmet, i.e. one of the local variants which
were made in the area of Dolenjska.213 A matching par-
Ulomci osorske kacige premaleni su za opsežnije raz- allel can therefore be observed in the beautiful exam-
matranje, ali s obzirom na tipološko obilježje mogu se ple of the helmet from Stična, Radohova vas.214 Negova
odrediti negovskom tipu kaciga i povezati, možda, uz type helmets of this variant were spread on a wider area
slovenski tip, čime bi predstavljali najjužniji nalaz na of the south-eastern Alpine region of today’s Slovenia
zemljopisu njihova rasprostiranja. Izuzev same vrijed- and dated between the middle of the 5th to the 4th cent.
nosti nalaza osorske negovske kacige, još zanimljivijim BC, or in Dolenjska in to the Negova horizon which
ističe se i način fragmentiranosti, tj. oblik očuvanosti. was named after the later.215
Budući da je kaciga evidentno namjerno uništena, na-
silno polomljena i paljena, pretpostavlja se da potječe Fragments of the helmet from Osor are too small for
iz mjesta obrednog spališta koji se vjerojatno nalazio more extensive review, but given the typological char-
ispred gradskog bedema, negdje na položaju kavanel- acteristics can be determined as the Negova type of
ske nekropole. Samim time, potvrđuje dobro poznati helmet and connect, perhaps, with the Slovenian type
i uobičajeni ritual obrednog uništavanja dragocjenih and representing the southernmost discovery on the
geography of their distribution. Apart from the value
213 Mihovilić 1996, 55, T. XVIII, 257; Mihovilić 2013, 254-256, sl. 176. of discovery the Osor Negova helmet stands out in-
214 Egg 1986, Abb. 30, 2; Teržan, Gabrovec 2006, 261, T. 205; Teržan 2010, 321-322. terestingly as well due to its state of preservation, i.e.
215 Teržan 1976, 391-393, sl. 59; Egg 1986, 73-75, Abb. 31; Egg 1988, 258; Teržan 2008,
212 Blečić Kavur 2014a, 26.
321-322, sl. 60-61. 213 Mihovilić 1996, 55, T. XVIII, 257; Mihovilić 2013, 254-256, sl. 176.
214 Egg 1986, Abb. 30, 2; Teržan, Gabrovec 2006, 261, T. 205; Teržan 2010, 321-322.
215 Teržan 1976, 391-393, sl. 59; Egg 1986, 73-75, Abb. 31; Egg 1988, 258; Teržan 2008,

321-322, sl. 60-61.
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