Page 110 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 110
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 110 »prema Sjeveru«, potom one nisu samo svjedokom Since with the »Illyrian helmets«, i.e. as one of the de-
vojnog ili trgovačkog angažmana Makedonije, već notations, can be followed and read the open the way
formiranja kulturno i komunikacijski srodnog ideo- »to the North«, then they are not only a witness mili-
loškog sustava u posredničkoj mreži jasno definira- tary or commercial engagement of Macedonia, but the
nih odnosa. U kontaktima širokih razmjera, ali među- reflection of the formation of cultural and communi-
sobno srodnih vrijednosti, iako je riječ o zajednicama, cation related ideological system in their intermediary
konvencionalno smatranim, sasvim različite društve- network of clearly defined relations in large scale con-
ne i političke organizacije. tacts of similar values, although between communities
which were conventionally regarded as being quite dif-
Budući da su te kacige bile vrlo priljubljen oblik obram- ferent in their social and political organizations.
bene vojne opreme, na zapadnom i središnjem Balka- Since these helmets were a very popular form of de-
nu, kao i na prostoru istočnog jadranskog priobalja, fence military equipment on the western and central
njihova je proizvodnja mogla biti, na razne načine, pre- Balkans as well as in the area of t​​he eastern Adriatic
nesena barem djelomično, na sjevernija područja, po- coast, their production could have been, in many ways,
najviše središnje Dalmacije i njezina hercegovačkog transferred at least partly, to the northern territories -
zaleđa. U kontekstu tako zamršenih okolnosti »cre- primarily to central Dalmatia and its Herzegovinian
ska« kaciga ima uistinu veliku važnost mada, još u pot- hinterland. In the context of such complicated circum-
punosti nerazjašnjenu povijesnu okolnost. stances the helmet from »Cres« has a great impor-
tance although in a still fully unsolved historical setting.
Vojna oprema iz Krka
Military equipment from Krk
Diljem balkanskog područja ilirske su kacige, poseb-
no one III. tipa i varijanti, nerijetko nalažene u grobo- Across the Balkan region Illyrian helmets were, espe-
vima s tzv. grčkim knemidama, najčešće u punoj grč- cially the ones of the III type and its variants, often lo-
koj vojnoj panopliji. Takve npr. opet dobro poznajemo cated in graves with the so-called Greek greaves, most-
iz grobova u makedonskom Trebeništu.202 Ipak, u ne- ly in full Greek military panoplies. Such examples are
što bližem okruženju, knemide su zabilježene i u kom- again well known from the graves in Macedonian Tre-
binaciji s kacigama drugih tipova, među kojima se po- beništa.202 However a little bit closer greaves are record-
sebno izdvajaju one negovskog tipa. Kombinacija je to ed in combination with other types of helmets, among
zastupljena kod grobova na prostoru središnjeg ital- which stand out those of Negova type. This combi-
skog kopna te, rjeđe, na njegovom južnijem prostira- nation is present on the c​​ entral Italic territory and less
nju (sl. 43). Klasično tumačenje takve situacije najčešće

202 Vasić 1982, 11-12; Stibbe 2003, 13-43. 202 Vasić 1982, 11-12; Stibbe 2003, 13-43.
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