Page 114 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 114
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 114 mova s bočnih strana. Sukladno nalazima i dataci- belongs to the younger version of the so-called Greek
ji knemida na većem prostoru središnjeg i zapadnog greaves with lateral plastic decoration in the form of a
Balkana, mogu se smjestiti u širi vremenski raspon 5. triple »S« line. These lines follow the form of the calf
do vrlo ranog 4. st. pr. Kr.205 Nasuprot, na području and are functionally increasing the strength of the met-
Apenina, najveća koncentracija knemida zastupljena al sheets on the sides. Based on the discoveries and dat-
je kod Picena, gdje su uglavnom dokumentirane grčke ing of greaves on a wider territory of central and west-
knemide starije varijante206 datirane u fazu Picenum ern Balkans the can be dated in a wider time span from
IVB i V.207 No njihova brojnija pojava znakovita je u the 5th to the very early 4th cent. BC.205 In contrary in the
tzv. etruščanskoj panopliji Emilije Romagne. Ondje area of Apennines the largest concentration of greaves
su se često nalazile sa samo jednim primjerkom, što je is present in Picenum with mainly Greek greaves of
obrazlagano umbro-sabelskom tradicijom, ali gotovo the older versions206 dated to phases Picenum IVB
uvijek u kombinaciji s kacigom, posebno onom regio- and V.207 But their more numerous appearance is sig-
nalnog negovskog tipa (sl. 43).208 nificant for the so-called Etruscan panoplies of Emil-
ia Romagna. There they were often present with only a
U ovom nalazu, brončana se kaciga također po glav- single example which is explained with the Umbro-Sa-
nim obilježjima može pripisati negovskom tipu,209 ali bellic tradition – but they are almost always discovered
je njezina izradba ispred svega rezultat unikatnog stva- in combination with a helmet, especially that of region-
ralaštva (sl. 42). Budući da je izrađena posebnom teh- al Negova type (Fig. 43).208
nološkom metodom, spajanjem dvaju zasebno lijeva- In the discussed discovery the bronze helmet could be
nih dijelova kalote zakovicama, primjetno se može according to main characteristics attributed to the Ne-
usporediti sa skupinom Sanzeno alpskog tipa negov- gova type,209 but its fabrication is in front of all the result
skih kaciga,210 a po dekorativnim elementima i načinu of a unique creativity (Fig. 42). It was produced with a
oštećenja i s onima iz jugoistočnoalpskog prostora Slo- special technological method by merging two sepa-
venije. Sve u svemu, djelomično očuvana krčka kaciga, rately cast parts of the calotte with rivets – consequent-
za razliku od ostalih poznatih primjeraka, upozora- ly it could be compared with the Sanzeno group of al-
va na postojanje mjesne radionice, tj. izrađivača koji je pine Negova type helmets,210 while according to the
stvarao prema izričitoj narudžbi. Razlog tomu upravo decorative elements and the damage with those from

205 Vasić 1982, 11-14, Karta; Balen-Letunić 1991-92, 22-24. 205 Vasić 1982, 11-14, Karta; Balen-Letunić 1991-92, 22-24.
206 Stary 1981, 437-438, k. 16; D'Ercole 1999, 257, k. 469. 206 Stary 1981, 437-438, k. 16; D’Ercole 1999, 257, k. 469.
207 Lollini 1976, 150-156. 207 Lollini 1976, 150-156.
208 Eles Masi et al. 1982, 379. 208 Eles Masi et al. 1982, 379.
209 Balen-Letunić 1991-92, 21-23; Balen-Letunić 2001, 32-33, k. 7; Buršić-Matijašić 209 Balen-Letunić 1991-92, 21-23; Balen-Letunić 2001, 32-33, k. 7; Buršić-Matijašić

2011, 10-11. 2011, 10-11.
210 Usp. Egg 1990, 14-20. 210 Cf. Egg 1990, 14-20.
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