Page 121 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 121
ohvat koji je u gornjem dijelu savinut i zaobljen, no ized by the guard forged together with the blade hav- povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 121
bez oplate (sl. 46B). ing a frontal quillion and rivets for fastening of the grip.
Nevertheless they differ from one another since one of
U izgledu sječiva razlike među njima još su izražajni- them has preserved a remnant of bronze plating on half
je. Mač s brončanom oplatom rukohvata ima neznat- of the hilt, while the other sword has a fully preserved
no zakrivljen, gotovo ravan hrbat sječiva s blago rašire- hilt, which is on the back side bent and curved, but lack-
nom oštricom, pri čemu je i odnos rukohvata i sječiva ing the grip.
u istoj liniji (sl. 46A). Drugi mač, mnogo oštećeniji,
ima zakrivljeno sječivo koje se, vjerojatno, prema vrhu The appearance of the blade differs between them
znatno proširivalo (sl. 46B). even more. The sword with the bronze-plated grip has
a slightly curved, almost straight back and with a slight-
Kao i u pogledu ilirske kacige ili grčkih knemida mla- ly widened blade – wherein the hilt and the blade fol-
đe varijante, osnovne tipološke odlike naših mačeva low the same line. The second sword, much more dam-
omogućuju nam bližu usporedbu sa srodnim primje- aged, has a curved blade which, probably, towards the
rima iz zapadnobalkanskog zaleđa. Prema poznatim point was significantly widened.
tipovima jednosječnih mačeva, može se pretpostaviti
da bi oba mača sa svinutim i zaobljenim gornjim dije- As with the Illyrian helmet or Greek greaves of the
lom rukohvata mogli biti najsrodniji zakrivljenim ma- younger variant, the basic typological features of our
čevima iz Jezerina i eventualno iz Sanskog Mosta,219 swords allow us closer comparison with similar exam-
blago zakrivljene profilacije sječiva. Zbog navedenih, ples from the western Balkan hinterland. According to
izrazito regionalnih obilježja vjerojatno se mogu pri- the known types of single bladed swords, it can be as-
družiti mahairama skupine IV prema tipologiji Maje sumed that both swords with curved and rounded up-
Parović-Pešikan,220 kakve su bile zastupljene kod rat- per part of the hilt could be most similar to the curved
ničkih grobova šireg balkanskog prostora u vrijeme od swords from Jezerine and possibly from Sanski Most,219
druge polovice 4. st. pr. Kr.,221 ulazeći u red makedon- which had slightly curved profiles of the blades. Due to
skog naoružanja.222 the listed distinctly regional characteristics it is likely
that they could be ascribed to the group IV of mach-
Treći primjerak željeznog mača odlikuje blago zakriv- airas according to the typology of the Maja Parović-
ljeno sječivo koje se u donjem dijelu znatno širilo (sl. Pešikan.220 Such swords were present in warrior graves
on the wider Balkan area from the second half of the
219 Quesada Sanz 1997, 157, Fig. 87, 1-3, 7-8.
220 Parović-Pešikan 1982, 42-43. 219 Quesada Sanz 1997, 157, Fig. 87, 1-3, 7-8.
221 Čović 1987, 454, sl. 26, 19; Vasić 1982a, 21; Quesada Sanz 1997, 157; usp. Borangic 220 Parović-Pešikan 1982, 42-43.

222 Npr. općenito vidjeti kod: Quesada Sanz, 1994, 77-88.
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