Page 123 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 123
lja ties with the western Balkan and southern Adriatic ter- povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 123
ritory in the Late Iron Age they stand out with their re-
Standardni dio vojne opreme ratnika, baš kao i ratnič- lations and representation on the spatial and cultural
ke aristokracije, predstavljala su koplja i to po više njih map of their distribution.
u kompletu.229 Prema mogućnosti njihove očuvano-
sti, raspolažemo poznavanjem dužih vrhova željeznih Spears
koplja, koja su kao dominantni oblik navalnog naoru-
žanja služila kao laka koplja za bacanje.230 Osorski pri- A standard part of military equipment of warriors, just
mjerci, svi prilično oštećeni, imaju kraći list izduženog like in the military aristocracy, is represented by the
rombičnog presjeka i dugačak tuljac za nasad. Vrijeme spear – several of them in the kit.229 According to the
njihova korištenja najvećim se dijelom uklapa u situa- possibilities of their preservation, we have longer tops
ciju s ratničkim grobovima šire regije, što je potvrđe- of iron spears, which as the dominant form of assault
no i malobrojnijim nalazima iz obližnje Istre, osobito weapons were used as light javelins.230 The finds from
Nezakcija.231 Osor are all pretty damaged, have a shorter blade with
an elongated rhombic cross-section and a long sock-
et. The period of their use largely fits the situation
with warrior’s graves in the wider region, as confirmed
with a few finds from the nearby Istria, especially from

229 Teržan 1977, 9-21; Čović 1987, 454; Blečić Kavur, Miličević-Capek 2011, 63-64. 229 Teržan 1977, 9-21; Čović 1987, 454; Blečić Kavur, Miličević-Capek 2011, 63-64.
230 Čović 1987, 630. 230 Čović 1987, 630.
231 Mihovilić 1996, 55, T. XX, 316-323; Mihovilić 2013, 256. 231 Mihovilić 1996, 55, T. XX, 316-323; Mihovilić 2013, 256.
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